Wednesday, March 28, 2012

.. and His anger will burn against you...

a dear Facebook friend posted this today.. I have to admit I do not always watch everything others post.. because let's face it..  I do have a life and if I did that I could never get anything done...
this one peaked my interest though... occult and witchcraft... someone saved from the grip of New Age...  triggered by some concern about someone close to me I just had to watch it...

Deuteronomy 18: 10+11
 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,  or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.

I am sure that in today's society most people would be able to read this and dismiss it... who is sacrificing babies in the fire... divination... sorcery... well, maybe a magician at a birthday party... but otherwise..
casting spells also sounds like Fairy Tale and so long ago.. a medium.. a spiritist... maybe even consulting the dead.. hmmmm...

listening what this young lady had to say and knowing my God.. who is a jealous God and who would consider "finding the Divine Self / Greater Self" or trying to foretell any piece of future as just this, witchcraft and divination ( this is what the dictionary says divination means: the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means.) all I can think is "..uh-oh...."

Divination has the word divine in it... this is were the trouble lies... finding answers and even healing, something that gives us hope, anywhere but in Him... is SIN.... finding the Divine Self... this is just a huge lie... there is no Divine Self... God is Divine, He is the Only God.. He, in the form of the Holy Spirit enters us the moment we accept the gift of forgiveness.. realizing first that we are in need of it.. the moment we surrender our will, pledging to follow Him, understanding that our worth is through Him alone...
as the story of this beautiful young woman shows, God even will forgive allowing this kind of stuff in our lives.. but then, as with everything we ask God to forgive us for we HAVE to repent.. as in turn away from it and not sin anymore..

Watch it.. it is worth the few minutes of your time..... there is a BIG warning for all those that think they can just make up their own "God" in whichever way it pleases them.. combining Christianity with all kinds of , yes, witchcraft and divination, casting spells.. searching out mediums , horoscopes, numbers and all that stuff.... there are consequences..

for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land.  (Deuteronomy 6:15)

..FACTS.....'s been a while.. it seems like life has been like a whirlwind swirling around me... really more like a tornado.. so many things going on...
fact: God is Good all the Time
fact: in this world we WILL have trouble
fact: His peace is with us.. He left it here for us..
fact: His ways are not my ways, His thoughts not my thoughts...
fact: need to stop trying to want to figure it all out..
TRUST is what He wants.. and I do trust Him.
I CAN trust Him only because I know Him... Knowing Him is what my faith is all about..
trying to please Him as I navigate the crazy waters of my life..
Thanking Him in the valleys AND on the mountain tops.. because it is not about happiness but about
knowing Him more and glorifying Him by ( by His strength and grace) making choices that honour Him daily..
fact: I am a long way from glorifying Him in ALL I do..
fact: He already knew that and died for me anyways...
what LOVE is this..