Tuesday, November 22, 2011

.. trusting and surrendering...

to surrender:
To yield; to give up; to resign in favor of another; as,to surrender a right or privilege; to surrender a place or an office.
Confidence; a reliance or resting of the mind on the integrity, veracity, justice, friendship or other sound principle of another person.

Such big words... thinking and meditating on these today...

How quick we are to say we are surrendering our will, our life to the Lord...
How easy it is to say we trust Him in all that happens..

thinking of surrendering... yielding my perceived right ( or even ability ) to control what's happening in my life... only possible if I trust...

surrendering my will and all that matters to me to God.. cannot do that if I do not trust Him... 

when the rubber hits the road, when a loved one's health is failing, when things are scary and potentially difficult and hurtful... IF we are living what we are claiming is true for us we will not worry, we will not be anxious... we will not fret... we will not be confused, we will not be trying to manipulate or control what is happening around us... we will stand with arms open wide . our eyes and hearts focused on our Redeemer..
it is in Him alone that our hope is found.. it is in His more than capable, loving and forever caring hands our future lies.. ( and isn't that the BEST place for it???)

it is very interesting what God uses to move us on from one level of maturity to the next. it is not always the heavy and traumatic.. it could be something really good.. a blessing... 
it shouldn't surprise me that, considering He knows my heart,  He puts His finger exactly on the spot where the next growth has to happen...

it is so easy to sing "I surrender All" on a Sunday morning.. and we DID sing this  on Sunday, how funny is that.. living it minute to minute every day.. that's where the challenge lies.

it is a fact of living the life of a follower of Christ that He is never done shaping us and molding us, transforming us into His likeness... no matter what it takes..
because it is not about what my desires and wishes are, it is about aligning my life with Him so that I can be fulfilling my calling in this life. to bring glory to His name... 

To do that I need to trust Him... and trusting Him I only can if I know who I am putting my trust into..  thankfully He has given us the Word, it is there where we meet Him if we seek Him with all our heart.. each time we trust it will become easier... this is because one of His characteristics is that He is FAITHFUL... what a rare , yet most important trait... what a blessing... experienced it so many times..
a feeling of warmth and safety, a feeling we so long for , all of us, can be found in the arms of Him.. to know Him is to love Him, to know Him is to be protected and sheltered. To know Him is to enjoy communion with the One who made us... sweet fellowship, never to be taken away... and there... again, this is what it is all about...

Great... thanks Lord for making this clear... I needed this today  :)