Friday, June 15, 2012

Graduation and the road ahead...

what a week.. a whirlwind of activity following 2 weekends of events and rushing around..
this week, starting with the LSAT taken in London, Ontario by my middle daughter, followed by Graduation festivities and her actual Graduation last night..
proud and happy moments... and moments of experiencing the reality of some not so wonderful facts..
this is what life has been and will continue to be, this is, I think, a very normal thing ... growing, learning, embracing the journey..
even the speaker at the University Graduation eluded to it.. it is an ongoing thing..
not all will be perfect,  but all will be needed ingredients on our path to becoming who God has planned for us to be..
much older than this daughter of mine who celebrated this significant event in her life last night I am still on that path as much as she is...
I think I might know a bit better who I am and who this God of mine is, just because I have spent about 27 years more than her on this journey.. there is not a day though that goes by, that doesn't have me learning something new..
layer by layer God is revealing Himself and what He has for me.. often painful sometimes really cool, I am on the journey for better or  for worse..
the good thing is that I know that it is for the better in the end for sure..
for her, the future is bright, so many possibilities, she has proven she has it in her to work hard for what is important to her and there will be a lot that she will achieve..
degrees and titles and positions..  as futile as striving for those could be in the end, when our eyes are fixed on Jesus He will indeed use it for the furthering of His Kingdom and the blessing will be "out of this world"
commitment, intelligence, opportunities.. all  these things have been given to her by her Father in Heaven..

 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith —and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—  not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

doing the good works that God has in advance prepared for us to do is the greatest blessing in this life..
seek first His Kingdom and all the desires of your heart will be given unto you... bumps in the road and great moments alike, they all are ingredients of our journey here..

God bless my Graduate!!!