Thursday, September 28, 2017

repaid according to my mess ups???

today is a new day. 
a glorious day.
yesterday's broken moments do not have to define my today.
His mercies are new.
so is His grace.
so is His love

He won't deal with me according to my sins,
He will not repay me according to my mess ups

so I don't have to either.
sin done against me yesterday 
doesn't have to ( and really shouldn't ) be carried into my new day.

be angry and do not sin. do not let the sun go down on your anger and give no opportunity to the devil.
forgive, because you have been forgiven.

so today,
it most definitely holds enough worries of its own,
no need to still carry yesterdays worry and hurt.

someone hurt me yesterday
and he shouldn't have
but because of what Jesus has done for me,
I can ( and have to ) let it go.

instead of dwelling on past hurts 
I can press on. 
I might not even want to, but I need to.
fixing my eyes on Him who gives me all that I need at all times
and live in a manner worthy of my calling.

called to be loving unconditionally.
love because He first loved me.

living He loved me
dying He saved me
buried He carried my sins far away
rising, He justified freely forever
one day He's coming
oh glorious day !