Sunday, January 1, 2012

...a new adventure with the Faithful One.. 2012!!!

January 1, 2012.....
fell asleep sometime last night.. long before midnight... so the New Year kind of surprised me this morning when waking up at 5 am, more like 11 am where my body clock is still anchored..

my two puppies sharing my wonderful king sized bed with cuddly they are... white and fluffy..

So last night, watched a few episodes of my newly discovered tv series online... prayed.. for a long was the last day of a year that, again, had many ups and downs.. scares and exciting events..

in it all, my God has been an awesome God, no surprises here... finally coming out of a second wave of deep sadness over the break up of my marriage in the beginning of 2011, my mother became horrendously ill and we almost lost her.. God was faithful and healed her, restored her to full health... a miracle..

preparations for Hope for Life took up most of the spring and summer and we finally opened October 17, 2011...  my faithful God at work again, confirming His calling and leading us all the way..

a health scare for my youngest...  a mass in her kidney... no longer to be detected by a CT Scan a few weeks later.. God is faithful..

the "Wedding" of the one who promised to never leave.. (in good and in bad times) to a "new"wife... stress for my children, a difficult few months leading up to this, trying to be the mother they needed me to be... faithfully God brought us through this as well...
showering me with His love by orchestrating a getaway and a personal encounter with His biggest instrument in my healing journey.. Michael W Smith, on the day of my Ex's wedding...
faithful and exhilaratingly loving... AMAZING He is...

more conflict in my "birth" family... peace throughout it all and small little steps to a resolution... maybe??? God has been faithful... even here...

the last day of the year, spend with one of my beloved daughters until she left to celebrate New Years with her friends...

walking with Him through 2011 was amazing, faith deepened, my relationship with Him closer than ever before... thanking Him for His Love, Mercy and Grace... even for allowing my whole world to break apart a little over 2 years ago... because not only has there been beauty in the turmoil... there has been Beauty from the Ashes... and only He, the Faithful One, could bring that about..

so 2012.. no matter what it will bring... for sure will find me relying on my Faithful God, the Lover of my Soul, who has marvellous plans for me... to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me a hope ( that will never disappoint) and a future... with Him... for eternity...

Blessings to you my friends... HE ROCKS!!!!! #SoliDeoGloria