Wednesday, May 9, 2012

..I am not my family tree..

social media.. good? or bad? not really that important what each of us thinks, it's just that.. social media..
it is here and it is alive and chances are it will get even more popular.. even though I cannot imagine how we all could spend even more time on it..
read a blog, posted on twitter on Monday, written by a young Christian woman, 25 years old, about her life and priorities and bringing up a child in today's world..
beautiful to get a glimpse into her life, very mature and wise for her age, realizing that Jesus needs to be the centre of our lives ...
thinking of her, and where she comes from.. heard her father share on Saturday how wonderful his parents are, made me feel a few different things..
so blessed to hear that it does actually exist, families that have been Christ followers for generations , healthy and whole.. parents that have loved their children well, the children in turn able to love their own kids the way God meant for it to be..
sadness about the fact that this has not been something that has been true for me..
becoming a follower of Christ when I was 30, choices I had made already were affecting my children's upbringing, trying to work through the dysfunction that had been passed down to me, I know that the chains of the generational sin has been broken and my children, even though others in their lives are not walking with the Lord, are free from the bondage..
knowing that God is sovereign and that He loves me and my daughters, I let go of the sadness and rather am thankful that now they do have the chance to start a legacy of godly upbringing like this young woman "exudes "..
realizing that everyone has struggles in this life, no matter their background, and that Jesus has overcome the world.. I know that through Him I have become a new creation...

I am not my family tree
These are different leaves, you know
There are miles and miles between
My roots and what I’m trying to grow
I am not my past mistakes
Labelled by some place and time
There is mercy in the soil, mercy in the sun
Learning to forgive, what cannot be undone
And what was meant to harm can’t harm you in the end
..I am not my family tree...

this is the truth: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.  (2 Corinthians 5:17)
He makes all things beautiful in His time, Praise God!