Thursday, July 5, 2012

tell me you love me... over and over without end..

in this morning's time with my Lord He impressed this verse upon my heart..
"but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy" ( 1 Peter 3:15 )
this struck me in a very different way than one would expect.. 
listening to Annie Herring, another song had gotten my attention these last few days.. it's called :

Over and Over..

tell me you love me, 
say it again, 
for I'm no good without your love
tell me you love me
say it again
over and over, over and over, over and over
without end
I know we will face hard times 
when the sun will not shine,
and it is through those hard times 
that I need to know you are mine...
and I won't let the sun go down, 
without saying to you
over and over, over and over, over and over 
I love you
I freely give you my heart,
my lover and friend
over and over, over and over, over and over 
without end

the verse, it made me think of how in my heart, in the secret place of intimacy and vulnerability He wants me to honour Him as holy.. as in cherish Him, the closeness and who He is...

this was precious and special... the song resonated with my soul, realizing that I need to hear Him over and over telling me how much He loves me.. but if I do not go to that secret place with Him, if I do not immerse myself in His Word, if I do not have that special time with the Lord, who I am regarding and honouring as holy /  most important / my 1st priority, I am not going to hear Him saying it to me over and over...

not wanting to go with my feelings alone about this, I  just did a little searching.. all cross references of most versions only pointed to the second part of the verse.. so I just looked how different translations have taken a little bit of a different view of this verse..
  • you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. 
  • but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, 
  • but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, 
  • through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. 
  • set Christ apart as holy in your heart
  • honour Christ and let him be the Lord of your life.
  • simply concentrate on being completely devoted to Christ in your hearts.
  • But make sure in your hearts that Christ is Lord
  • Your heart should be holy and set apart for the Lord God
I think I will go with what He impressed upon my heart this morning... that I am to honour Him, the closeness I have, by cherishing it, and making it my highest priority.. that from that will flow what the 2nd part of the verse says:  "always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect..."

sounds like a plan...

..Transformation... quiet and gentle ..

t'was a nice day today.. so blessed by one of our Care Closet client's bringing me a freshly baked Banana Bread... because I am "so sweet"... so very kind of her..
things are moving along with the house Hope for Life is going to move into... God is blessing us and arranging things left, right and centre...
 a sweet, sweet friend indulged my craziness by making a "Fourth of July American Cake" for me and coming over for dinner and a movie.. she even was adequately impressed with my attempt at decorating.. ha..
this morning, when spending time with my God, pondering His Words to me from 1 Peter Chapter 2 I came away with the challenge to become more gentle, humble and quiet..
too bad there is not a CT Scan or something to measure the transformation taking place in one's heart and soul over time..
looking at those whose genes were combined to create me, the environment I grew up in, I know without a shadow of a doubt that He indeed has refined me.. and He is not done yet...
quite amazing actually, the changes that have happened.. makes me rejoice to think that no one is stuck where he or she is..
I  indeed am a new creation, the old has gone.. with the Holy Spirit residing in my soul, His fruit is growing and it is manifested in how I deal with every day life...
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22+23)
more quiet and gentle, more humble... hmmmmm... looking to Him for the power to change even more.. I know He will provide ..
 I always pray with joy  because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now,  being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. ( Philippians 5:4-6)
a gentle and quiet spirit.... my heart's desire....