Monday, February 20, 2012

.... Hope for Life.....

this wonderful friend of mine.. one of my innermost circle of friends... one of those that you meet and have that instant connection with... a friend that supports you and is always there for you... a friend that has your back .. a mutual friend today said she thought of her as being Job... this friend of mine has had to go through a lot in the years I have known her...
sickness at first, her child, and then her.... and then, 10 months ago I received a call from her that made my heart break all over again... here she was facing the same pain I had had to go through 2 years ago... I never would have wished this on an enemy of mine ( I don't even think I have any) but for a friend that close to my heart to go through this hurt me as if it was happening all over again...
we have become even closer through the last 10 months and as much as we both would not have wanted the other to have to deal with this, it is good that we have each other...
last week, more bad news.. this time her precious child, sick again, seriously sick... waking up many times every night just praying for both of them... I know that He is right there with them, I know that He will turn this into something good... He will do that because they love Him... He has called them according to His purpose... He is there to comfort, to give hope, to heal, to walk through the valley with them..
He is giving them peace, peace that surpasses all understanding... He has surrounded them with great doctors and loving nurses, supportive family and friends, and even though had they had a choice they would have chosen not to have to deal with this on top of the turmoil of the last 10 months, He will bless them through it... there will be beauty from ashes and they will know Him even more.. they will know His sweet fellowship and love.. they will know His presence and faithfulness on a much deeper level...
He has perfect plans for them, plans to prosper them, both of them, and not to harm them.. even if this might be hard to see right now.. plans to give them a hope and a future... a future so much brighter than anything they could wish for....

there is a girl I will meet with this week, a young girl that is pregnant... overwhelmed by her reality... there is a woman who is on the path of healing from an abortion.. another woman met with my partner today, pregnant too and not sure what to do... there is such heartbreak EVERYWHERE...
..and like our Pastor for Outreach so passionately communicated on Sunday... we have something to offer to the hurting world.. we relate to them in our sinfulness, in our brokenness, the only difference is that we have HOPE..
a hope that will not be disappointed, because of the Saviour we have... that's the difference.. and we HAVE  to share it... why else did He leave us here... right on Pastor Bob....

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