Sunday, February 27, 2011

.. got your HDSD glasses???

I love my pastor, he is just the bestest in the world.. what a sermon today... I know it was exactly what I needed for sure... another light bulb moment ... definitely something that shed some light on my struggles and gave me new hope....

So have you got your HDSD glasses??? they are High Definition Spiritual Dimension glasses... yes, that's what they are, they allow us to see the world, our circumstances, our trials and fears and sorrows with God's eyes... rather than looking just at what the world sees we can understand the purpose that God has for what is going on in our lives...

if we look @ life from a worldly perspective, we will live defeated lives,
if we look @ life from God's perspective, we will live victorious lives.
The world looks at life like something that will end with death.... for someone with God's perspective after death life will start... 
in this world it is about how much we own, and we all know that we can loose this in a second... from God's perspective it is about who owns us... the One who chose us and loves us, the One who gives us eternal life with Him...who bought us with a price..
with the HDSD  glasses we see His provision instead of our poverty...
instead of my guilt and shame I see His grace... His son died and payed for all my sin, I am forgiven ... no guilt for my part in messing up my marriage, hurting my children.... sin, indeed but paid for by my Saviour...
instead of my circumstances I see His courage... when I am defeated, depressed and afraid what my life from now on will look like, I do not have to worry or be afraid.. He has promised me to never leave me or forsake me..He will bring me through this and He will hold me in His arms as we are walking through the difficult times..
instead of just keeping on keeping on for the sake of being committed seeing His reward... eternity with Him, allowing me to live a life of joy , motivated by having my eyes fixed on Him like it says in 2 Corinthians 4:
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal...

I memorized this passage many years ago... it was true then, it is true today and it will always be true... I am sorry that in the last months I have somehow not worn "my HDSD glasses" often enough... I definitely had them on for the first 6 months after the life shattering events of 2009... I was able to rise above my circumstances and courageously trust him for each step of the way... I think as I have been doing better I have put the glasses aside a little bit too often and 
have fallen into the trap of thinking I could handle things on my own...

well, I have put them back on and I will try very hard to remember to keep them on... at all times...

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