Monday, October 11, 2010

.... on tour? for the Lord... it's all about community... I am saved for a reason, not to live as a Christian in solitude, but to live my faith in community... some very kind friend pointed out how I have been spending time with God and sharing it here rather than just journaling for myself.. and that's true.
God made me an open book and even before I started writing this blog He had me share more openly than maybe others what He was doing on my life.
I love Him and I think about Him pretty much all the time  I also "live"my faith constantly, that's what some people have called fanatic, but then again, how can it not all be about Him.. after all He is the source of all life and therefore also the reason we are here at all. How can we not want to know Him more and strive to please Him.
There is mindless wasting time staring into a computer screen and there is living out our faith in a
" modern" way....
Hmmmmmm....all I want  is for Him to use me and for more to get how wonderful He is.

He is the Most High, the King of Kings, the Creator of the Universe, the Mighty and Sovereign God..He also is the Father of the Fatherless,  Redeemer of my soul... He is the One who humbled Himself to come to this earth, live a sinless life and give himself as a sacrifice for the sins we are prone to commit on a regular basis... He is the One that has compassion on us, loves us with an everlasting love... He came so that we could we be reconciled to God the Father and that we would know Him in His suffering and by that draw closer and closer to Him.
 It pleases Him to see us striving to know Him more...the moments of stillness in His presence are PRICELESS...nothing, even the best moments in your life can ever prepare you for the peace and delight that sweeps over you when being in the presence of the Saviour and Lover of your Soul....

He has given us the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit and He in  us is perfecting and guiding us. He is growing His fruit and we can feel Him nudging us...that's what I felt yesterday in church.. He was the one saying to me, do not spend that much time on the computer for the wrong reasons... if my focus is on   me, then my motivation is not what it should  be... if my focus is bringing honor to Him by being authentic and using my" make-up" which is that I have no trouble sharing ... than there is nothing wrong with that.
I trust Him to give me the self control I need, I trust Him to use me, I trust Him to be in total control of my time and how I use it...I am allowing Him that total control... so, I guess He has me up in the middle of the night, He is speaking through me to you, as He is revealing Himself to me.

speaking to this very dear friend of mine today... I had this vision...I guess I am not just here to minister in one place.. I think He has freed me up now to prepare for what He has for me in a few years... what comes to mind is far bigger than what I have been thinking until now.... I will just leave you with a picture.... I believe I got it from God... we will see... He definitely took my eyes off myself, where they needed to be for a bit again, and put them on Himself and how I will serve Him in the future... this is the picture.....  :)

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