Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Grace That Moves....

Grace that moves...
This was on the Michael W. Smith Cruise…
I heard a great Devotion this morning..
It basically said that God’s Grace,( the unmerited favor) Jesus dying on the cross,  is what has moved us from living in the servant quarters to the Mansion..living with our Father...
What an amazing thought, the concept is not new, but have I ever really believed it....I am an heir of God, I am Jesus’ sister, God’s child, I do not have to prove by my works that I am worthy to be accepted by God ( and we all know that never worked anyways) 
It is in believing in the fact that Jesus did exactly that.... He died and paid for my sins and now I am forgiven, I am righteous in God’s eyes... when looking at me He sees Jesus’ righteousness, not my stained and torn up clothing...but the white robe of righteousness.
My Father is rejoicing over me, He delights over with me with singing... He loves me, He longs for me to run to Him with all my fears, worries, sorrows and pain.. He is not like my father who never gave me the time of life, who only expected perfection and whose love has been and always will be conditional, who inflicted physical and emotional pain and despair...
He instead is my Abba... He is my Daddy, my Papa..... He chose me before the beginning of the world to be His beloved child...He has prepared a room for me in the Mansion in Heaven where I will live for eternity in His presence..my citizenship is in Heaven with Him and not here on this earth.
It is His Mercy that brought this about... because with God Mercy triumphs over Justice...that’s why He sent His son, because He loved us so much that He couldn’t just punish us the way we would have deserved it. He sacrificed His son, who was without sin, the lamb without any blemish, so that we could be reconciled with Him...
Amazing Grace...My King died for me....He suffered and did not complain... He fixed His eyes on the joy laid out before Him!!!!!! That was me, the joy to call me His own...
So I desire to live in this reality every moment of my life, when rejection, frustration, hurt and pain comes my way.
I want to become more like Him, I want to please Him because I love Him so much. My life needs to be focused on Him, filled by the Spirit and carried by Him..
He is the One who is the author and perfecter of my life. With Him all things are possible, without Him I can only continue to run against walls of concrete..I am lost and in despair without Him. With Him there is light, joy and eternal peace.
Light the fire of my first love again Lord... I do not want it to grow dim.. I want to live full out for you... I don’t just want to go through the Motions...Use me Lord for Your glory... Thank you Lord for allowing the Valley... I know that you have cried with me, that your heart is broken for me, and that you are rejoicing over me as I am learning to trust you more and more...Oh if I could just stay right here with you and not run away again... Keep me close to you, let me not take my eyes of you....let me focus on what is eternal and not what is temporary because those light and momentary troubles are achieving for me a treasure in heaven that far outweighs them all... Oh Lord you are my all and all... I love you with all my heart, soul and mind........ Take me, mold me and refine me by your fire, make me pure and allow me to worship you all the days of my life...because one day in your courts is better than thousands elsewhere!!
I praise You Oh Lord of my life... reign in me Lord, fill me Holy Spirit....I am YOURS!!!!
And I gladly move into the Mansion and sit at the table with you as your child!!!!!

I love you Abba Father….


  1. Thank you...this is a perfect summation of the week, the study, the tears I shed, the joy I felt and the renewed hope I bring home.

  2. Hey Liz.... great to see you here!!!!!!!!! And aren't you up a little late??? ;)
