We are sometimes fooled to think that beauty is found only once we make it through the desert, the hard and difficult times... I believe as we are trying to walk obediently with the Lord He transforms our struggles into something beautiful..reflecting His Love and Beauty as it is lived out in our lives..
Friday, March 30, 2012
....putting others first...
it is a mad, mad world... humanity' s legacy of hatred, anger, murder and deception that started so very, very long ago..is making this earth a place that we just don't belong to...our citizenship is in Heaven, as born again Christians, we become more and more sensitive to just how broken this world really is...
it kind of spoils the "enjoyment" of life's regular entertainment and highlights... we have different ones.. and they are so wonderful, I would NEVER want to trade those for anything this world has to offer... and yet... this "out of place" feeling is really not such a nice thing.. oh well.....
a society like ours, that spends lots of time watching reality shows about cakes and bachelors and worst restaurants or "celebrity doubles" while every 30 seconds a child dies of hunger... is a sad thing.. I know.. this is happening so far away, it's not "real" to us.... but then.... there are enough hopeless, broken and helpless people living below the poverty line right in our own backyards...
as Christians we have no excuse... we are called to care... I am even going so far as to say if you don't care.. you might want to test yourself... Jesus came to bind up the broken hearted, to heal the sick and save the lost....He saved us... what are we going to do as we are living our lives as Ambassadors for Him?
He calls us to serve and to love and to share The Good News.... in deeds.. through action...
Priorities...He comes first and all He is about. than comes His church... the rest, like spouses, children, family, work, friends, leisure and entertainment comes after... yes, that is true....
He and all He is about... as we draw close to Him, get to know Him intimately, He is faithful and will reveal what it is He wants us to do..... I have heard it explained like this before: the place where our passion, our talents and skills and our biggest perceived need intersect is where He is calling us to be at work for Him... ask Him... seek Him and His will, but be sure, it will not be about making your life more comfortable and "exciting".. it will be about bringing glory to Him by putting others first... :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
.. and His anger will burn against you...
a dear Facebook friend posted this today.. I have to admit I do not always watch everything others post.. because let's face it.. I do have a life and if I did that I could never get anything done...
this one peaked my interest though... occult and witchcraft... someone saved from the grip of New Age... triggered by some concern about someone close to me I just had to watch it...
Deuteronomy 18: 10+11
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.
I am sure that in today's society most people would be able to read this and dismiss it... who is sacrificing babies in the fire... divination... sorcery... well, maybe a magician at a birthday party... but otherwise..
casting spells also sounds like Fairy Tale and so long ago.. a medium.. a spiritist... maybe even consulting the dead.. hmmmm...
listening what this young lady had to say and knowing my God.. who is a jealous God and who would consider "finding the Divine Self / Greater Self" or trying to foretell any piece of future as just this, witchcraft and divination ( this is what the dictionary says divination means: the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means.) all I can think is "..uh-oh...."
Divination has the word divine in it... this is were the trouble lies... finding answers and even healing, something that gives us hope, anywhere but in Him... is SIN.... finding the Divine Self... this is just a huge lie... there is no Divine Self... God is Divine, He is the Only God.. He, in the form of the Holy Spirit enters us the moment we accept the gift of forgiveness.. realizing first that we are in need of it.. the moment we surrender our will, pledging to follow Him, understanding that our worth is through Him alone...
as the story of this beautiful young woman shows, God even will forgive allowing this kind of stuff in our lives.. but then, as with everything we ask God to forgive us for we HAVE to repent.. as in turn away from it and not sin anymore..
Watch it.. it is worth the few minutes of your time..... there is a BIG warning for all those that think they can just make up their own "God" in whichever way it pleases them.. combining Christianity with all kinds of , yes, witchcraft and divination, casting spells.. searching out mediums , horoscopes, numbers and all that stuff.... there are consequences..
for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land. (Deuteronomy 6:15)
this one peaked my interest though... occult and witchcraft... someone saved from the grip of New Age... triggered by some concern about someone close to me I just had to watch it...
Deuteronomy 18: 10+11
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead.
I am sure that in today's society most people would be able to read this and dismiss it... who is sacrificing babies in the fire... divination... sorcery... well, maybe a magician at a birthday party... but otherwise..
casting spells also sounds like Fairy Tale and so long ago.. a medium.. a spiritist... maybe even consulting the dead.. hmmmm...
listening what this young lady had to say and knowing my God.. who is a jealous God and who would consider "finding the Divine Self / Greater Self" or trying to foretell any piece of future as just this, witchcraft and divination ( this is what the dictionary says divination means: the practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means.) all I can think is "..uh-oh...."
Divination has the word divine in it... this is were the trouble lies... finding answers and even healing, something that gives us hope, anywhere but in Him... is SIN.... finding the Divine Self... this is just a huge lie... there is no Divine Self... God is Divine, He is the Only God.. He, in the form of the Holy Spirit enters us the moment we accept the gift of forgiveness.. realizing first that we are in need of it.. the moment we surrender our will, pledging to follow Him, understanding that our worth is through Him alone...
as the story of this beautiful young woman shows, God even will forgive allowing this kind of stuff in our lives.. but then, as with everything we ask God to forgive us for we HAVE to repent.. as in turn away from it and not sin anymore..
Watch it.. it is worth the few minutes of your time..... there is a BIG warning for all those that think they can just make up their own "God" in whichever way it pleases them.. combining Christianity with all kinds of , yes, witchcraft and divination, casting spells.. searching out mediums , horoscopes, numbers and all that stuff.... there are consequences..
for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land. (Deuteronomy 6:15)
..it's been a while.. it seems like life has been like a whirlwind swirling around me... really more like a tornado.. so many things going on...
fact: God is Good all the Time
fact: in this world we WILL have trouble
fact: His peace is with us.. He left it here for us..
fact: His ways are not my ways, His thoughts not my thoughts...
fact: need to stop trying to want to figure it all out..
TRUST is what He wants.. and I do trust Him.
I CAN trust Him only because I know Him... Knowing Him is what my faith is all about..
trying to please Him as I navigate the crazy waters of my life..
Thanking Him in the valleys AND on the mountain tops.. because it is not about happiness but about
knowing Him more and glorifying Him by ( by His strength and grace) making choices that honour Him daily..
fact: I am a long way from glorifying Him in ALL I do..
fact: He already knew that and died for me anyways...
what LOVE is this..
fact: God is Good all the Time
fact: in this world we WILL have trouble
fact: His peace is with us.. He left it here for us..
fact: His ways are not my ways, His thoughts not my thoughts...
fact: need to stop trying to want to figure it all out..
TRUST is what He wants.. and I do trust Him.
I CAN trust Him only because I know Him... Knowing Him is what my faith is all about..
trying to please Him as I navigate the crazy waters of my life..
Thanking Him in the valleys AND on the mountain tops.. because it is not about happiness but about
knowing Him more and glorifying Him by ( by His strength and grace) making choices that honour Him daily..
fact: I am a long way from glorifying Him in ALL I do..
fact: He already knew that and died for me anyways...
what LOVE is this..
Friday, March 23, 2012
..receiving the Crown of Life...
.. loving just HOW counter-cultural us "fanatic Bible-thumpers" are.. then again, this is what His Word says:
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position. But the rich should take pride in their humiliation—since they will pass away like a wild flower. For the sun rises with scorching heat and withers the plant; its blossom falls and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way, the rich will fade away even while they go about their business.
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. ( James 1: 2-12)
the ongoing, never-ending and thus frustrating and tiring, exhausting and exasperating struggles in my "original" family could drive a woman crazy... or make her fearful and anxious.. if.... the Spirit of the Holy God of the Universe was not in her, working out God's good and perfect will :)
it will take a few more steps for me to consider it PURE JOY, but there is neither fear, anxiety nor heartache... there is the PEACE that passes all understanding knowing that His Word is truth and that all that counts is the Crown of Life that is promised to those who love Him..
riches will pass away, the proud will come to fall, justice will be done and all will be made right!
Praising Him this morning for always being there... faithful and true, My God, My Redeemer and friend!!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
..taking up the cause of the Fatherless..
talking with a friend I stated that since I am a passionate Christian, even if it was not something the Lord commanded, a future partner in my life has to be a Christian as well..
my life revolves around the One who gave it to me... I see Him in everything... (and that's because He has created it all and is intricately involved in every detail of our lives.. duh...)
if we are aware of it or not, there is a spiritual realm.. another "level" that is going on at all times..
living my life to please Him as good as I can, with His help, I am also able to discern some things that others can't necessarily see.. maybe this is what makes me sensitive to what is going on around me on such a deep level..
not sure, I only know that understanding just how lost this world is is a constant awareness I have..
meeting with a new client today, one sent to us by the CAS worker, we are so happy to be able to offer her some support with parenting her children... not necessarily what we are "advertising" for, considering we are a Pregnancy Care Center, but still equipped for it all the same..
the curriculum is here and one of the Volunteers is ready to meet with her one on one..
she will join the Young Moms group.. and might even bring her kids for the Kid's program we have on Wednesday nights at the church..
a younger sister, who is pregnant, will come to us as a client in a couple of weeks...
hearing the needs of this whole family I am struck once again by the hopelessness that characterizes some people's lives... we do not have to go far at all, all this is happening right here..
so sure of this calling of the Lord:
Wash and make yourselves clean.
my life revolves around the One who gave it to me... I see Him in everything... (and that's because He has created it all and is intricately involved in every detail of our lives.. duh...)
if we are aware of it or not, there is a spiritual realm.. another "level" that is going on at all times..
living my life to please Him as good as I can, with His help, I am also able to discern some things that others can't necessarily see.. maybe this is what makes me sensitive to what is going on around me on such a deep level..
not sure, I only know that understanding just how lost this world is is a constant awareness I have..
meeting with a new client today, one sent to us by the CAS worker, we are so happy to be able to offer her some support with parenting her children... not necessarily what we are "advertising" for, considering we are a Pregnancy Care Center, but still equipped for it all the same..
the curriculum is here and one of the Volunteers is ready to meet with her one on one..
she will join the Young Moms group.. and might even bring her kids for the Kid's program we have on Wednesday nights at the church..
a younger sister, who is pregnant, will come to us as a client in a couple of weeks...
hearing the needs of this whole family I am struck once again by the hopelessness that characterizes some people's lives... we do not have to go far at all, all this is happening right here..
so sure of this calling of the Lord:
Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:16
He is the Father of the Fatherless, the Redeemer of Souls.. He wants us to receive His Grace and Mercy and extend it to others, the gift of salvation is not just for us.. so that we can sit and enjoy the assurance of eternal life and God's blessing... He saves us to be His hands and feet.. my prayer is that He continues to break my heart for what breaks His.. and that He then will guide me on the path of sharing His hope and His love with the people in need... that's what life is all about!!!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
... head coverings... seriously??????? :O
I always like going to church... this morning I was looking forward to it even more than usually ...
couldn't wait to hear what my Pastor had to say about the passage we were on for that week..
1 Corinthians 11: 2 - 16
I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you. But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.
Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
I do believe the Bible to be God's Word to us, I believe that we need to take it literally, always knowing the historical and cultural context... I do not believe you can pick and choose what you think is still relevant in our time... so I was very curious to hear what I would learn about this passage today.. hadn't heard anything specific about head coverings from God when reading the passage and meditating on it..
long story short, this is what the Good Dr. Paul Little had to say:
as expected he did not think that this was about head coverings for the women.. but rather about the wonderful topic of authority and submission.. of the husband submitting to and honouring Christ by not abdicating his leadership role in a marriage but rather leading and serving his wife selflessly and sacrificially... putting her first and laying his life down for her daily..
of the wife willingly submitting to her husband and respecting him, being his greatest Cheer leader.. not trying to usurp power... this is what God gave us and we are to embrace it.. we do not need to get hung up on this.. our value and worth are the same, we just have different roles... rather than coming up with excuses why we are not "doing it" we should work on ways to do it...
the need for security a woman feels can only be met by a husband who by his commitment and love takes on the responsibility of leadership in the marriage, no matter how unloveable the wife might seem at times ... the need for significance a husband feels can only be met by a wife who admires her husband and respects him, even if it is for the potential she knows he has... rather than fighting this we need to realize that we do depend on each other for these fundamental needs...
nothing new, have worked through this and heard about it many times... understand it and embrace it... I know that my God is to be trusted, whatever He tells us to do is for our best... after all, He is the manufacturer... so He knows what will work for us..
not married at the moment and fully aware that it needs two to decide to live this way I believe firmly that this is the only way it can work.. I have no problem with submitting, I am actually thankful I am not a man... glad that I am not the one responsible.. there is freedom in yielding and letting go of control....
thanks be to God this is what He meant... was not quite okay with the whole head covering thing... phew...
couldn't wait to hear what my Pastor had to say about the passage we were on for that week..
1 Corinthians 11: 2 - 16
I praise you for remembering me in everything and for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you. But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God. Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.
A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels. Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.
Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.
I do believe the Bible to be God's Word to us, I believe that we need to take it literally, always knowing the historical and cultural context... I do not believe you can pick and choose what you think is still relevant in our time... so I was very curious to hear what I would learn about this passage today.. hadn't heard anything specific about head coverings from God when reading the passage and meditating on it..
long story short, this is what the Good Dr. Paul Little had to say:
as expected he did not think that this was about head coverings for the women.. but rather about the wonderful topic of authority and submission.. of the husband submitting to and honouring Christ by not abdicating his leadership role in a marriage but rather leading and serving his wife selflessly and sacrificially... putting her first and laying his life down for her daily..
of the wife willingly submitting to her husband and respecting him, being his greatest Cheer leader.. not trying to usurp power... this is what God gave us and we are to embrace it.. we do not need to get hung up on this.. our value and worth are the same, we just have different roles... rather than coming up with excuses why we are not "doing it" we should work on ways to do it...
the need for security a woman feels can only be met by a husband who by his commitment and love takes on the responsibility of leadership in the marriage, no matter how unloveable the wife might seem at times ... the need for significance a husband feels can only be met by a wife who admires her husband and respects him, even if it is for the potential she knows he has... rather than fighting this we need to realize that we do depend on each other for these fundamental needs...
nothing new, have worked through this and heard about it many times... understand it and embrace it... I know that my God is to be trusted, whatever He tells us to do is for our best... after all, He is the manufacturer... so He knows what will work for us..
not married at the moment and fully aware that it needs two to decide to live this way I believe firmly that this is the only way it can work.. I have no problem with submitting, I am actually thankful I am not a man... glad that I am not the one responsible.. there is freedom in yielding and letting go of control....
thanks be to God this is what He meant... was not quite okay with the whole head covering thing... phew...
Saturday, March 17, 2012
..May God hold you in the palm of His hand.. Happy St. Patrick's Day..
St. Patrick.... supposedly died March 17, 460 AD...
a son of a British Deacon he was abducted and lived in captivity in Ireland, he had to work as a shepherd outside, far away from everyone.. scared and alone he turned to his faith and became a very devout Christian...
according to his writing, a voice—which he believed to be God's—spoke to him in a dream, telling him it was time to leave Ireland.
to do so, Patrick walked nearly 200 miles from County Mayo, where it is believed he was held, to the Irish coast. after escaping to Britain, Patrick reported that he experienced a second revelation—an angel in a dream told him to return to Ireland as a missionary. soon after, Patrick began religious training, a course of study that lasted more than 15 years. after his ordination as a priest, he was sent to Ireland with a dual mission: to minister to Christians already living in Ireland and to begin to convert the Irish.
familiar with the Irish language and culture, Patrick chose to incorporate traditional ritual into his lessons of Christianity instead of attempting to eradicate native Irish beliefs, like superimposing a sun, a powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross, so that veneration of the symbol would seem more natural to the Irish.
the Irish culture centered around a rich tradition of oral legend and myth. When this is considered, it is no surprise that the story of Patrick's life became exaggerated over the centuries—spinning exciting tales to remember history has always been a part of the Irish way of life.
Ireland has always fascinated me... it is especially sad that I have not been there yet.. I have read many historic novels and historic books and I love the way everything looks so very green..
today is St. Patricks Day and many are celebrating... I have said before I rather was Irish... and it is true..
well, one of these days I might just have to travel to Ireland ... and maybe I will then get a chance to celebrate St. Paddy's day myself...
a son of a British Deacon he was abducted and lived in captivity in Ireland, he had to work as a shepherd outside, far away from everyone.. scared and alone he turned to his faith and became a very devout Christian...
according to his writing, a voice—which he believed to be God's—spoke to him in a dream, telling him it was time to leave Ireland.
to do so, Patrick walked nearly 200 miles from County Mayo, where it is believed he was held, to the Irish coast. after escaping to Britain, Patrick reported that he experienced a second revelation—an angel in a dream told him to return to Ireland as a missionary. soon after, Patrick began religious training, a course of study that lasted more than 15 years. after his ordination as a priest, he was sent to Ireland with a dual mission: to minister to Christians already living in Ireland and to begin to convert the Irish.
familiar with the Irish language and culture, Patrick chose to incorporate traditional ritual into his lessons of Christianity instead of attempting to eradicate native Irish beliefs, like superimposing a sun, a powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic cross, so that veneration of the symbol would seem more natural to the Irish.
the Irish culture centered around a rich tradition of oral legend and myth. When this is considered, it is no surprise that the story of Patrick's life became exaggerated over the centuries—spinning exciting tales to remember history has always been a part of the Irish way of life.
Ireland has always fascinated me... it is especially sad that I have not been there yet.. I have read many historic novels and historic books and I love the way everything looks so very green..
today is St. Patricks Day and many are celebrating... I have said before I rather was Irish... and it is true..
well, one of these days I might just have to travel to Ireland ... and maybe I will then get a chance to celebrate St. Paddy's day myself...
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
Friday, March 16, 2012
..this is how love wins... The Story
"The Story"... I had heard about this great endeavour on "the" Cruise" almost 2 years ago... a musical in a way... His Story.. a powerful recounting of His Plan, from the Beginning to the End..
somehow I missed it coming out September 2011..
thankfully my sweet big sister Leslie, who I visited the last few days had the CD in her car... so I downloaded it from iTunes as soon as I had a chance... and my heart is gripped in the awe of how much He loves us.. again....
2 songs have made it onto my fav list already..
there is Abraham...
I see a star; You see the Milky Way
I see one man counting sand
but you see generations
who, but You, would ever choose
to dream Your dream in me?
tell me who, but You, would dare me to
believe what I can’t see
who, but You?
then there is the thief... hanging on the cross next to Jesus...
this is how Love wins, every single time
climbing high upon a tree where someone else should die
this is how Love heals, the deepest part of you
letting Himself bleed into the middle of your wounds
this is what Love says, standing at the door
you don’t have to be who you’ve been before
silenced by His voice, death can’t speak again
this is how Love wins
most of the time the people around me, those that care about me, misunderstand my tears... tears of deepest gratitude and love... it happens when I get a glimpse of who He is... music does that for me.. touching my soul through the tune and the words.. so skillfully put together.. inspired by the One who the the song is all about... what He has done for me.. for us.. getting a glimpse of His love, so immense that the only reaction is tears of joy and thankfulness...
my life has been enriched.. once again... I know which songs will be on repeat on my iTunes from now on...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
The day it all changed....
sometimes I wish I could be more settled...less sad.... less alone...
the funny or not so funny part is that this is just who I am. I have always been that way.
a lot worse actually. because now I have a constant in my life that I never had before I met my Saviour... I knew there had to be more to life than what it was and so I looked for it... didn't know what it was... looked everywhere.... New Age.. "The divine within".. makes me cringe now... astrology, numerology, eastern religions.... the beliefs of the native Indians... went to a Sweat Lodge ceremony after I had been praying for 6 months asking God to reveal Himself to me.... I wanted more than just the "traditional Christian" stuff....
it left me empty... like everything else did...so I prayed and asked if He was maybe there, in the tent with the Grandfather stones, the drums and the pipe....
He spoke to me that night... He told me that yes, there was so much more to Him, but that I couldn't meet Him here, I had to go to church.... living in a little Canadian town, I was overwhelmed with the 11 different churches... not used to that.. as a good German girl, I only knew the Catholic and the Lutheran church... everything else I had been told were sects....
God in His wisdom had moved us into a house right next to a family that went to church... they had brought over a meal when they had heard I was sick earlier... wow, I had never ever experienced anything like this... so coming home I asked my neighbors if I could go to church with them the following Sunday....
..and.. no surprises... there He was.. the Gospel was preached, I heard for the very first time about the fact that Jesus was thinking of me personally, paying for my sins, when He died on the cross, that He wanted to be my personal Saviour, Lord and friend, walking with me through my life.... cried through the whole sermon and my life has never been the same since..
issues? problems? conflicts? pain? heartache? for sure.. but never facing any of it alone anymore.. the Holy Spirit inside me guiding me, teaching me and changing me...
not searching for meaning anymore.. just seeking the face of my Lord every day..getting to know Him better and better... blessed to know Him like I do... thankful for the heartaches... bringing me closer to Him..... cherishing every second of the closeness I have with Him....
so... sadness, yes, because in this world we will have troubles...because my citizenship is in Heaven, I am a stranger, an alien in this world, so loneliness, no surprise really ...
Him calling me to minister to broken people... sadness because I cannot make it all okay for all of them... giving them what I found that Sunday in June 1994..... my Jesus!
sad and lonely yet so full of joy, purpose and meaning...full of love for all those around me... I have nothing to complain... I am embracing my life and all it is... Praising my God for choosing me to be His, way back when.......
Sunday, March 11, 2012
...let the offender off the hook???
went to Harvest Bible Chapel today... or I should say, yesterday.. church on a Saturday afternoon... very interesting..
funnily enough the sermon was on a passage in 1 Corinthians, the book my pastor has been preaching on since the fall..
it was a good sermon, a good reminder about what the Lord Supper is really all about and what we, as Christ followers have to do in preparation for this very important celebration..
one of the things we need to do is to make sure that we have done everything to be reconciled to whoever we had any "beef" with...
made me think of the one person that I just have had enough of.... legitimately, I have all the right to feel the way I do.. and still.....
have had to forgive him so many times already... him who is the main reason for all the dysfunction in my family..
a man that for all anyone close to him can see has ever only cared about himself...
who has been mistreating all of us for all our lives... shucks... just over the last few years, culminating in everything that has happened since my mother got so very very sick last year, there have been so many things that need forgiveness... and obediently I have.. forgiven that is..
but I guess, once again not the last few things.... and the weight of the overall damage he has inflicted that has come more and more to the surface and has been so very very frustrating........
so this afternoon, in the few minutes the pastor gave us to silently search our hearts... I didn't have to search, because it was right there..... I forgave my father for the last few episodes of ruthless disregard of my feelings .....
all by my lonesome at home tonite, once again making the mistake to listen to a beautiful love song I got a little bit sad... ( the loneliness just gets to me sometimes) and I was thinking of how he never was there to break my fall.... and he should have been...
forgiveness.. the most difficult thing to do.. the most important one too, though... it needed to be done.. it doesn't change the past... but it changes the present and the future... once again, chains severed, baggage released... rights surrendered... laid down at the foot of the cross, where He paid for my sins... sins that in the eyes of God are no different from those committed against me...
remembering the forgiveness that was extended to me... how can I not forgive those that trespass against me.. even if they blatantly continue to do so again and again...
I just can't hold on to it... the price is too high... feeling rather beaten up right now but I know I did the right thing...
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins (Mark 11:25)
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14+15)
trusting that He will continue to heal the hurts... because He cares....
funnily enough the sermon was on a passage in 1 Corinthians, the book my pastor has been preaching on since the fall..
it was a good sermon, a good reminder about what the Lord Supper is really all about and what we, as Christ followers have to do in preparation for this very important celebration..
one of the things we need to do is to make sure that we have done everything to be reconciled to whoever we had any "beef" with...
made me think of the one person that I just have had enough of.... legitimately, I have all the right to feel the way I do.. and still.....
have had to forgive him so many times already... him who is the main reason for all the dysfunction in my family..
a man that for all anyone close to him can see has ever only cared about himself...
who has been mistreating all of us for all our lives... shucks... just over the last few years, culminating in everything that has happened since my mother got so very very sick last year, there have been so many things that need forgiveness... and obediently I have.. forgiven that is..
but I guess, once again not the last few things.... and the weight of the overall damage he has inflicted that has come more and more to the surface and has been so very very frustrating........
so this afternoon, in the few minutes the pastor gave us to silently search our hearts... I didn't have to search, because it was right there..... I forgave my father for the last few episodes of ruthless disregard of my feelings .....
all by my lonesome at home tonite, once again making the mistake to listen to a beautiful love song I got a little bit sad... ( the loneliness just gets to me sometimes) and I was thinking of how he never was there to break my fall.... and he should have been...
forgiveness.. the most difficult thing to do.. the most important one too, though... it needed to be done.. it doesn't change the past... but it changes the present and the future... once again, chains severed, baggage released... rights surrendered... laid down at the foot of the cross, where He paid for my sins... sins that in the eyes of God are no different from those committed against me...
remembering the forgiveness that was extended to me... how can I not forgive those that trespass against me.. even if they blatantly continue to do so again and again...
I just can't hold on to it... the price is too high... feeling rather beaten up right now but I know I did the right thing...
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins (Mark 11:25)
For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. (Matthew 6:14+15)
trusting that He will continue to heal the hurts... because He cares....
Saturday, March 10, 2012
.. another fav day: Today!!!

... last week we had our annual Missions conference and enthusiastic woman I am I signed up to help with a ministry called Mwana Villages... (check out their video http://vimeo.com/16850960)
a wonderful lady came and spoke about her passion for the street children in the Congo... her vision is to have a "village" of houses were those kids can live with a house mother and get good food, care and education.. basically giving them Hope for Life...
heard back from her this morning and will be involved by doing what I do best ;) promote them on Facebook and twitter... create awareness and get support for what they are doing for these children...
did you see the KONY2012 video yet? I have become a supporter of this cause this week and it blows me away that it is possible now to share a concern you have with the whole world..
there are as many people connected on Facebook today as were populating the earth 200 years ago... that is amazing..
involved with another ministry that is reaching people all over the world sharing the gospel and offering online mentoring...
we are living in a crazy time.. amazing and scary, all at once..
today I am blessed, because my LOVE for my macbook, iPad and iPhone is making a difference yet again.. today is my fav day because the sun is shining, my daughter had a sleepover with some new friends that made breakfast AND cleaned up my kitchen... wow..
I am blessed because I am meeting with a friend and going to church with him tonite, it is my fav day because my doggies are as cuddly as always and I saw one daughter yesterday for a quick lunch... ( so that made my day yesterday )
it is my best day because He walks with me, really closely and, as always, He is as excited as I am... I am not fanatic but rather a joy to Him, He rejoices over me.. how amazing is that..
what can I say... this is one of my fav scriptures:
The LORD your God is with you,
he is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
he will quiet you with his love,
he will rejoice over you with singing.
Friday, March 9, 2012
.. Getting the Word out...
..when I first started writing this blog, in June 2010, it was to process what had happened and was happening in my life... my husband had cheated on me and left me... it was a very hard go and so I just had to write about it.. and share how God was helping me in the turmoil... hence the name: Beauty in the turmoil... how He was turning things meant for pure evil to a very raw, yet still "good"...
after a while when things settled down, it became just a blog about what God was doing.. what He was teaching me and so on..
in the beginning there were many that were reading it... after all, there was real heartache, and for women, if I might say, this is the worst nightmare ... and it had come true for me... so there was compassion for me and maybe just "interest".....
the "numbers" have gone down since then and there have been a few times when I wondered if I should just stop... who was I to think I had something to say that would interest and benefit others... every time I thought of this some of my "readers" told me how much my blogs spoke to them and how it blessed them... so I kept going...
in the meantime I have realized that God is using this in yet another, unforeseen way...
choosing pictures from the internet... some must be very popular... people from all over the world read my blog.... they are google-ing "broken heart" and land on my blog...
most of the time there is some scripture and God and His care is always mentioned in some way or the other... so now... I think anyways... if I look at countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan etc... I think some people read about God, His Word goes out and we all know... it never goes out in vain..
the number of my friends that read this has gone down a lot, and I get it , I repeat myself... the process is a slow one and all... not that much huge stuff going on any more... and I thank God for that..
I will continue writing about who this God of mine is though... because if someone with a broken heart on the other side of the globe can find some hope by reading about the Saviour.. then that is reason enough... and... I just like writing anyways... ;)
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10: 13-15
Getting the Word out.... in His name!!!
after a while when things settled down, it became just a blog about what God was doing.. what He was teaching me and so on..
in the beginning there were many that were reading it... after all, there was real heartache, and for women, if I might say, this is the worst nightmare ... and it had come true for me... so there was compassion for me and maybe just "interest".....
the "numbers" have gone down since then and there have been a few times when I wondered if I should just stop... who was I to think I had something to say that would interest and benefit others... every time I thought of this some of my "readers" told me how much my blogs spoke to them and how it blessed them... so I kept going...
in the meantime I have realized that God is using this in yet another, unforeseen way...
choosing pictures from the internet... some must be very popular... people from all over the world read my blog.... they are google-ing "broken heart" and land on my blog...
most of the time there is some scripture and God and His care is always mentioned in some way or the other... so now... I think anyways... if I look at countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan etc... I think some people read about God, His Word goes out and we all know... it never goes out in vain..
the number of my friends that read this has gone down a lot, and I get it , I repeat myself... the process is a slow one and all... not that much huge stuff going on any more... and I thank God for that..
I will continue writing about who this God of mine is though... because if someone with a broken heart on the other side of the globe can find some hope by reading about the Saviour.. then that is reason enough... and... I just like writing anyways... ;)
“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10: 13-15
Getting the Word out.... in His name!!!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
.... dizzy ??? STOP worrying...
never a dull moment at Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center.....
I know that God is the One that made me and I know He is the One that is sovereign over everything... so I am wondering... maybe in His mind a 48 year old should be perfectly fine with the ups and downs and all the excitement, and the heartache... this day has been one of those days... my head is spinning...
feeling discouraged, not able to help like we would like to... then excited for a new client referred by "our" Social worker... beautiful donations received... encouragement from others that have a heart for those in need... overwhelmed by the difficulties some of our clients are facing day in and day out...
there has to be something He wants us to see..... I think this is what the lesson is:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[e]?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.... ( Matthew 26-34 )
ha... blunt..but true... fixing my eyes on the mountain mover rather than on the mountain... celebrating the "successes" rather than being discouraged by what we can't change... trusting Him rather than worrying and leaving the burdens in His capable hands rather than carrying them on our shoulders..
sounds like a good plan..
He is the Director of Hope for Life... I just said, "sure, use me" when He called me...
phew... that is a relief... thankful for Him and trusting Him enough to obey.. I will NOT worry...
I know that God is the One that made me and I know He is the One that is sovereign over everything... so I am wondering... maybe in His mind a 48 year old should be perfectly fine with the ups and downs and all the excitement, and the heartache... this day has been one of those days... my head is spinning...
feeling discouraged, not able to help like we would like to... then excited for a new client referred by "our" Social worker... beautiful donations received... encouragement from others that have a heart for those in need... overwhelmed by the difficulties some of our clients are facing day in and day out...
there has to be something He wants us to see..... I think this is what the lesson is:

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.... ( Matthew 26-34 )
ha... blunt..but true... fixing my eyes on the mountain mover rather than on the mountain... celebrating the "successes" rather than being discouraged by what we can't change... trusting Him rather than worrying and leaving the burdens in His capable hands rather than carrying them on our shoulders..
sounds like a good plan..
He is the Director of Hope for Life... I just said, "sure, use me" when He called me...
phew... that is a relief... thankful for Him and trusting Him enough to obey.. I will NOT worry...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
... a date... fulfilling all my longings..
“What day is it?" asked Pooh.
"It's today," squeaked Piglet.
"My favorite day," said Pooh.”
Eeyore is my fav, and I do have a lot in common with him...
those two are the sweetest though .. and I know that the changing the Holy Spirit has been bringing about in me is along the lines of their grateful and positive way of looking at life...
this is the day that the Lord has made. let us rejoice and be glad in it...
today is my favourite day... because I woke up and I was still breathing, my doggies greeted me with excitement and love.... my daughter responded without any grumbling when waking her up...
I was able to make her some healthy breakfast and lunch... my car worked so I could drive her to school..
coming back, my doggies were excited to see me again... ;)
I had lemons and water and a water boiler thingi to make a Hot Lemon so that I wouldn't succumb to the cold that wants to develop.. sipping this I had a date with my Saviour who, believe it or not is always so happy to embrace me and listen to what is on my heart... He also always takes the time to speak to me and fill the deepest darkest corners of my soul with His light and warmth... He has the best advice and He is never critical, rude or dismisses me.. He has exciting things to tell me and He wants me to be part in the amazing stuff He is doing....wonderful...
so today is my favourite day.. because like Piglet and Pooh I am on this path with my best friend... and so I rejoice... because this is the day this best friend of mine made... and so I am glad and rejoice in it...
Monday, March 5, 2012
... wanting to make it all better....
got some very sad news just now... it was to be expected, that we would not be able to "rescue" everyone here at Hope for Life..
choices are choices, everyone has to make them for themselves.. I do understand very well that difficult circumstances will make abortion look like the only sensible and doable solution to the problem..
judging no one but rather heartbroken, because I know that this is not going to fix anything....
made sure this person knows we love her and are here for her anytime, no matter what...
the circumstances are what breaks my heart, the hopelessness that has been a reality for her all her life.. no one trustworthy has been in this girl's life ever...
so I cry out to you, Lord... are you out there for her???
what is your plan for her, Lord? what else could we have done for her?
couldn't erase all the experiences and put everything nicely in order for her with a bow around it... and you can be sure that's what I wish I could do... after all, I am a mother and I by instinct am the Rescue Helicopter ....
did all we could, prayed and reached out... this is what we will continue to do... pray and reach out and love.. because that's what we can, the rest is in His hands...
finding it VERY difficult to accept this... it seems we should have been able to do more for her...
really struggling with this now...
I am pleading with the Lord of Mercy and Love.... you say help is on the way... please Lord, have mercy on this girl... Love her and give her the security she needs ..... please...
choices are choices, everyone has to make them for themselves.. I do understand very well that difficult circumstances will make abortion look like the only sensible and doable solution to the problem..
judging no one but rather heartbroken, because I know that this is not going to fix anything....
made sure this person knows we love her and are here for her anytime, no matter what...
the circumstances are what breaks my heart, the hopelessness that has been a reality for her all her life.. no one trustworthy has been in this girl's life ever...
so I cry out to you, Lord... are you out there for her???
what is your plan for her, Lord? what else could we have done for her?
couldn't erase all the experiences and put everything nicely in order for her with a bow around it... and you can be sure that's what I wish I could do... after all, I am a mother and I by instinct am the Rescue Helicopter ....
did all we could, prayed and reached out... this is what we will continue to do... pray and reach out and love.. because that's what we can, the rest is in His hands...
finding it VERY difficult to accept this... it seems we should have been able to do more for her...
really struggling with this now...
I am pleading with the Lord of Mercy and Love.... you say help is on the way... please Lord, have mercy on this girl... Love her and give her the security she needs ..... please...
Sunday, March 4, 2012
..You are well acquainted with my grief...
found a new fav song... I think they are amazing..
Leeland... a band out of.... : NASHVILLE.....
who would have thought..
one of the members of the band is Jack Mooring, Whitney's ( MWS eldest daughter's) husband...
yes... very talented... very deep.... speaks to my soul....
Fear is far from love
And I feel scared enough
To think You’ve given up on me
But I can’t hide my shame
You know my deepest pain
You are well acquainted with my grief
Oh great God of power
I have lost my strength
This is my desperate hour
I’m calling out Your name
I cry
Are You out there tonight
Or am I all alone
This time it’s the fight of my life
So I cry
I can’t do this on my own
I can’t do this on my own
I am giving You control
If weakness is a crown
Then I kneel before You now
And lay it at Your feet as an offering
And if You hold everything
Then don’t let go of me
Hide me in the shadow of Your wings
Oh great God of power
I have lost my strength
This is my desperate hour
I’m calling out Your name
Are you out there tonight?
I can't do this alone....
this is not my most desperate hour, thanks be to Him... but I am always desperate for Him... because there is NOTHING I can do on my own.. it seems when one thing is working well there are 5 other areas that fall apart at the same time..
being the "emotionally sensitive" person that I am I just think my skin is a bit thin... being called to serve in front-line ministry is very rewarding, but very difficult as well... seeing all the brokenness so clearly... it breaks my heart.. ALL THE TIME..... thankful to be able to offer some support and relief... I am still heartbroken, even discouraged at times.... it is just not supposed to be like that.....
what could anyone ever hope to accomplish to help those in need without the "Great God of Power".... so thankful I know Him... with Him all things are possible... with Him, the Mountain Mover, nothing is big enough to take away hope... calling out... wondering if He is out there.. I KNOW, beyond a shadow of a doubt He is actually right here.... clinging to Him for my personal needs as much as for everyone I know that needs Him... holding on to Him with the last little bit of strength I have... desperately.... and then, I realize.. it is Him who is holding me #Amazinglove
...broken hearts making history????
...Pippi Longstocking said something very wise one day.. "you get to hear a lot before your ears fall off"...
soooo true.................... heard some more, yesterday... I am a fanatic and a dangerous combination of emotionally sensitive and very intelligent... wow... I am someone who buries her teeth in a bone and won't let go... hmmmmmm........

despite the hurt, the neglect and the abuse of my childhood, the blatant narcissism of significant male figures in my life He has made me into exactly who I am meant to be...
Is it true today that when people pray
Cloudless skies will break,
Kings and queens will shake?
Yes, it's true, and I believe it,
I'm living for You.
I'm gonna be a history maker in this land.
I'm gonna be a speaker of truth to all mankind.
I'm gonna stand, I'm gonna run into Your arms,
Into Your arms again,
Into Your arms, into Your arms again.
Is it true today, that when people pray
We'll see dead men rise,
And the blind set free?
Yes, it's true, and I believe it,
I'm living for You.
Is it true today, that when people stand
With the fire of God and the truth in hand,
We'll see miracles, we'll see angels sing,
We'll see broken hearts making history?
Yes, it's true, and I believe it.
I'm living for you.
( Martin Smith, History Maker)
ministering / sharing truth with family... very hard.. but I am called to stand, with the power of truth in my hand... I have wrestled and I have achieved something monumental... the person has agreed to read the four accounts of the Gospel.... and I have promised to keep my mouth shut if he will not encounter my God in there.... so there....
The Father has decided for me to be here, at this time, in this place, with this broken and damaged heart to be a history maker... pouring my love and my essence out to those that cross my path.. at Hope for Life, at the grocery store or in "family meetings".......... exhausting, yeah, sometimes, but so worth it... because, what would be better than living for HIM... I can't think of anything..... :)
Friday, March 2, 2012
.. the Calmer of storms..
this has been a "single-women-friendly" winter so far... I have shovelled snow only once and even that time I could have left it, because it all melted away a day later anyways...
happy for every little thing that makes this easier..
praying when driving is such a habit of mine so I did it earlier when picking my daughter up from dance.
I prayed for my friend and her daughter again, still at Sick Kids... my heart breaking for them, life has thrown them so many curveballs in the years I have known them...
praying for the 3 women / families I know personally whose lives have been hit by divorce since it happened to us... all of us have been betrayed and left, for some it is has not even been a year yet...
read something today:
happy for every little thing that makes this easier..
praying when driving is such a habit of mine so I did it earlier when picking my daughter up from dance.
I prayed for my friend and her daughter again, still at Sick Kids... my heart breaking for them, life has thrown them so many curveballs in the years I have known them...
praying for the 3 women / families I know personally whose lives have been hit by divorce since it happened to us... all of us have been betrayed and left, for some it is has not even been a year yet...
read something today:
I will lift my eyes to the Maker of the mountains I can’t climb. I will lift my eyes to the Calmer of the oceans raging wild. I will lift my eyes to the Healer of the hurt I hold inside. I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes to You.
tornadoes, hail storms, winter, spring, families, dysfunction, hurt, sunshine, disease, support, abandonment, joy, tears, break-ups, new beginnings, healing, forgiveness, pain, selfishness, humility, pride, love, commitment, loss, disaster, freedom...
and yet always , there He is...
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Deuteronomy 31:8
The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
Those who know your name trust in you,
for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Psalms 9: 9+10
and there it is... one of my fav passages:
Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4: 16-18
believing that if He allows it, since He loves us like no other, it is worth it.. always..
Praise be to HIM #SoliDeoGloria
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