He is so meticulous.. has EVERYTHING planned out so well. No one cares as much as He does.
My children are such a blessing...they blow me away, one of them today exhibited such discernment, such an understanding of good and bad and how it all works out... it made my heart jump inside.
I think He did that to show me I need not worry about that, but that He is at work, even when outwardly they are not expressing their faith in the way that would make me stop worrying.
He alone knows how much I care about this... that my most consistent and fervent prayer is for my girls to love Him with a passion that is all consuming.. seeking Him every day of their lives.

In the last few years I have attempted a few times to offer this kind of healing in my church, every time encountering that the stigma that surrounds this sin is still huge and women are too scared to come out...
Statistics show that the abortion rate of women in the church hardly differs from those outside the church..there are so many women feeling they cannot be forgiven and hiding away with the guilt and devastation.
For many years my prayer has been that God would use me to lead women along the path that He has lead me.
In the months following the break up of my family the Lord opened the doors and made the connections for me to be able to attend this seminar and to work in a place where women can find help and direction when finding themselves pregnant and scared..I am so blessed...
I thank the Lord for each woman that will not feel that abortion is the only way to deal with this crisis and for each one that will be able to lay down the heavy burden she is carrying.
We serve an amazing God.... He continues to amaze me... He always will, of that I am sure.