when God made Adam He made Him in His image... male and female He created them... we are made in His image... we are not made to live in a broken, sinful world, a world where cancer kills, accidents devastate, violence maims and relationships break..
just spend a very nice and relaxing day with my sister, even watched a movie at the movie theatre.. "We bought a Zoo" definitely a movie that is going to make it into my collection...
heartwarming and a true story... beautiful...
one moment in the movie just made it so clear to me...again.. we are just not made for things to end.. for life to end through tragic accidents, for health to give way to terminal illness, for childhood to be brought to an abrupt end by abuse.. for relationships that are meant to last a lifetime to be discarded..
in the movie Kelly tells Benjamin "that everything comes to an end"... and it is true... in this world everything will come to an end.. the question is, will the end be a passing on to eternal life with God or to eternal separation from God?
will we be able to come to the place where He will wipe away all out tears... where there will be no more pain, or sadness or fear?
will we finally see Him face to face and will seeing Him make everything make sense, once and for all?????
are you sure you will??? are you really? how can you be sure?
the answers are found in His Book... it's the only reliable source... it's where His followers have found all the answers for all the questions ( I know I have said chocolate was the answer to all questions... not true... sorry) for thousands of years...
just saying'... if you are not sure... check it out.. start with the Gospel of John... book number 4 in the New Testament.. ( which is kind of the second big part of the Bible) :)