..far, far away and yet so close in this day and age.. woke up to three e-mails from USGS, the United States geological Survey... ( signed up for these a few years ago and have been baffled ever since just how many earthquakes there are all the time)
twitter was already buzzing with calls to pray.... Tsunami warnings... thanks to the "connections" I had pretty much turned off last week I now could find out easily that my sister was safe, up on a hill, evacuated from her resort in Hawaii, the husband of a friend, in Japan, but safe, a man from our church already back from his trip to Japan...
the blessings of the "information age"....
still reeling from saddening changes in my church .. a doctor's appointment for my daughter to get to the bottom of a potentially serious health issue...
more news about some spiritual warfare going on in an unexpected place, affecting another of my children and me... a book in the mail from a treasured friend... confirming to me that being single is something very valuable... being unique, whole and complete... knowing who I am in Christ, what a blessing....
" in this world you will have trouble but I have overcome the world.." ( Jesus )
on a day like today, I am compelled even more to lift up all those who do not know my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ... on a day like today, when we are being confronted with how quickly our world can come tumbling down around us... from one second to the next the destination we are heading to for eternity can become top priority...
I am thankful that He has promised to take us safely to His Heavenly Kingdom if we only believe that He died on the cross for our sins and that we are forgiven and redeemed because of that. Making Him Lord of our life and living this earthly life for His Glory.... SOLI DEO GLORIA
May His power and healing grace be evident to the people of Japan today and always!