facebook and other social media sites keep us "middle aged people" on top of the lingo and what's cool with the young people...
some of the things I see and read I do not like... but this morning, very early actually, I found myself thinking "sucks to be me" one of the expressions I do not necessarily enjoy when I see a teenager posting that... but here I was... I felt discouraged and alone and forgotten, not important to anyone.. not important enough anyways to go the extra mile to make something work out for me... and I admit, it was a last minute request and there were other ways of doing it, I guess... not the best way for me, but still, it would have been okay... ( I am not upset with anyone , that's not what this is about )
I had been feeling pretty alone already for a few days.. just don't feel as a single woman I really belong anymore with the happy couples and families... so this morning, really early I just thought.. sucks to be a single woman, without a husband taking care of certain things.. "man things"....
as I was praying and reading my bible I decided that I couldn't stay there, that I had to tell Him everything that was bothering me and that I had to just give the disappointment and feelings of abandonment to Him... after all, we are told in His Word that He will meet all our needs...I believe that even when I do not feel that way, and so I surrendered it again...
a few hours later a solution came my way out of a totally unexpected corner so to speak... not surprising , if you think about it, isn't He really good at this?
I definitely was blessed that my situation was resolved and that once again my Jesus had come through for me..
still, all day I have not been able to shake that feeling... my friend who is alone now too said something that is just so very true, even though we both would rather have it to be a lie.....
there is a lot of compassion and an outpour of help and concern in the beginning... but then life goes on for everyone, we are doing relatively fine and seem okay... and... then we are left to our own devices... not anyone's fault, just life... wondering what the lesson is for me... going to Him... trying to plan things a little better ahead of time... not be disappointed that there is not that special someone that is by default my go to person... I realize that my former go to person took really good care of all these things for us.. so the lesson is too that if there is ever another "go to guy" to let him know how good a job he is doing and to cheer him on, because, it really sucks without one...