"The Story"... I had heard about this great endeavour on "the" Cruise" almost 2 years ago... a musical in a way... His Story.. a powerful recounting of His Plan, from the Beginning to the End..
somehow I missed it coming out September 2011..
thankfully my sweet big sister Leslie, who I visited the last few days had the CD in her car... so I downloaded it from iTunes as soon as I had a chance... and my heart is gripped in the awe of how much He loves us.. again....
2 songs have made it onto my fav list already..
there is Abraham...
I see a star; You see the Milky Way
I see one man counting sand
but you see generations
who, but You, would ever choose
to dream Your dream in me?
tell me who, but You, would dare me to
believe what I can’t see
who, but You?
then there is the thief... hanging on the cross next to Jesus...
this is how Love wins, every single time
climbing high upon a tree where someone else should die
this is how Love heals, the deepest part of you
letting Himself bleed into the middle of your wounds
this is what Love says, standing at the door
you don’t have to be who you’ve been before
silenced by His voice, death can’t speak again
this is how Love wins
most of the time the people around me, those that care about me, misunderstand my tears... tears of deepest gratitude and love... it happens when I get a glimpse of who He is... music does that for me.. touching my soul through the tune and the words.. so skillfully put together.. inspired by the One who the the song is all about... what He has done for me.. for us.. getting a glimpse of His love, so immense that the only reaction is tears of joy and thankfulness...
my life has been enriched.. once again... I know which songs will be on repeat on my iTunes from now on...