it is a new year and even though I am not into New Years resolutions and this kind of stuff, this morning during my time with the Lord I found myself journaling about something I need to be faithful about...
finding myself on the dating "market" I have been confronted with issues I never ever wanted to have anything to do with anymore...
becoming a Christian during my relationship with my Ex I have not been in this situation before... committed to following Him and all He tells us to do and not to do, applied now to the area of dating...difficult in this world, pretty much almost 20 years after the last time I was entering a new relationship, without the loving boundaries set up by the Father...
I am a different person all together.. and yet.. still in the "flesh" now struggling with that on a never foreseen level..
passionate and affectionate like I am, I needed to once again affirm with my Jesus this morning that I am fully aware that because of His Spirit in me, I am part if Him... I have been bought at a price and I am not my own.. my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is a gift from God...
so.. as much as I am committed to Soli Deo Gloria.. to God alone be the glory in all that I do.. I have to apply it to this part of my life as well..
I know it and I have been striving to be obedient... I also know so much better now that without totally relying on Him I am not able to pull this off..
pouring my heart out to Him this morning I was filled with a deeper understanding of what having been redeemed really means... I have no choice... I do not want to have a choice, I am His and I have to be obedient in EVERYTHING...
I learned this well in other areas of my life.. forgiveness for example... submission to authority.. this just is a new area where obedience needs to be applied..
I am so thankful for His Word.. it is so clear and black and white... flee from sexual immorality... no ifs or buts... how could we ever interpret this any other way...
purity it has to be.... there is no gain in indulging ourselves in immediate gratification... it is empty and destructive... staying under the umbrella of His authority is where blessings will flow... oh how much I love Him, by His strength and guidance I will please Him in this area as in all the other ones He has gently shown me...