Friday, March 9, 2012

.. Getting the Word out...

..when I first started writing this blog, in June 2010, it was to process what had happened and was happening in my life... my husband had cheated on me and left me... it was a very hard go and so I just had to write about it.. and share how God was helping me in the turmoil... hence the name: Beauty in the turmoil... how He was turning things meant for pure evil to a very raw, yet still "good"...
after a while when things settled down, it became just a blog about what God was doing.. what He was teaching me and so on..
in the beginning there were many that were reading it... after all, there was real heartache, and for women, if I might say, this is the worst nightmare ... and it had come true for me... so there was compassion for me and maybe just "interest".....
the "numbers" have gone down since then and there have been a few times when I wondered if I should just stop... who was I to think I had something to say that would interest and benefit others... every time I thought of this some of my "readers" told me how much my blogs spoke to them and how it blessed them... so I kept going...
in the meantime I have realized that God is using this in yet another, unforeseen way...
choosing pictures from the internet... some must be very popular... people from all over the world read my blog.... they are google-ing "broken heart" and land on my blog...
most of the time there is some scripture and God and His care is always mentioned in some way or the other... so now... I think anyways... if I look at countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan etc... I think some people read about God, His Word goes out and we all know... it never goes out in vain..
the number of my friends that read this has gone down a lot, and I get it , I repeat myself... the process is a slow one and all... not that much huge stuff going on any more... and I thank God for that..
I will continue writing about who this God of mine is though... because if someone with a broken heart on the other side of the globe can find some hope by reading about the Saviour.. then that is reason enough... and... I just like writing anyways...  ;)

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10: 13-15

Getting the Word out.... in His name!!!