In this dream my mother and my sister were making it very clear to me that they were choosing my cousin over me... my mother had the Christening gown with her in which all our children had been christened and it turned out she had it with her because my husband and my cousin had had a baby..... a nightmare for sure........
I have been thinking about the relationship with my family and I am saddened by doesn't feel right but I also do not know what else to do. I just don't trust them anymore.
the morning at church was great, good bible study, love all these women and especially all the little kids.. I am so blessed to have so many friends with babies and little munchkins...I love them all dearly...
great meeting afterwards with an incredible woman that the Lord has brought into my life a week ago..He is at work in wonderful ways..
and then, later today I had two great conversations with my teenage girl.. that is an even greater answer to prayer... a teachable moment, an opportunity to relate and communicate deep convictions.. wow... so thankful for that.
I am thanking God for the way He has allowed me to teach my children by walking the talk... and they get it... it is amazing. I am far from being a perfect mother and because of that it blesses me even more to see that even my little rebellious one can't help but absorb what is being lived out before her.. loving people rather than judging them....being Jesus rather than a stiff -necked, self -righteous Pharisee..amazing...Thank you Lord...
after that, she went to dance and I was home alone for a few hours...felt lonely and sorry for myself...didn't give in to any desire to take matters into my own hands ( like I have done before, remember the Christian Dating Site)... and just went before my Lord and prayed..

now the day is over and I get to go to bed... I thank my Lord for providing all that I needed to stay in His presence... Good night