we all have someone on the throne, even though we might not be aware of it... it's worth examining this because it has quite an impact on the life we are leading..
it could be Jesus... it could be you yourself...
the Turmoil in our lives definitely highlights those questions... when you find yourself stripped of any earthly security and the allure of what we might think life can give us.... when the "rug" of security, stability and pleasure has been violently ripped from under your feet.... when nothing distracts you any more from the deep and solely important questions...
when in your insurmountable sorrow and deafening pain you are reduced to your naked soul desperately seeking HELP, HEALING and HOPE... you are made aware that these really are the important questions... not, the "do people like you", "are your kids turning out well", "where are you going to go for your next vacation" "will you retire on a houseboat" or "will you put the sticker family on the back of your car or not"....
so it is rather... who is on the throne of my heart? ......what does it mean other than that I agree to follow His lead, give over all areas of my life, trust Him with everything that is dear to me, what does it mean... how is this making a difference??
if it is me on the throne, I am just going to go for whatever I feel I need, perceive my right to be.. no consideration for others and their needs... rules and regulation would change according to how they affect the desired outcome for me... the worst part of it though would be that the other aspect of having a king, the protection and care we find, would not really work that well.....
as a believer, I have not only been saved by Jesus from the ultimate punishment for my sins... I am now called to be a follower and accept His Lordship over my life... When I understand fully what He has done and continues to do for me how can I not also bow my knee to him and cheerfully obey Him??? I really get the best of both worlds... His gift of salvation, the joy and blessing of obeying Him AND His protection... because as my King, He will always keep me safe... for some reason, this has become very important to me..
So, WHO is on the throne of your life??????? I know for me, it's my Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings... and u know, He also is a very merciful King....that's why my love and gratitude keeps flowing, an unending stream... because His love is just that... infinite......