A new morning... and His mercies are new... His promises still are just that, promises giving by the Divine Promise Keeper... no need to struggle in our faith but reason enough to hold on and stand on them... the promises... fix our eyes on the One who so willingly gave His life, who suffered greatly and loved even more...
Rely on Him and what He has done and get up and follow in His footsteps... because .. if His love does not propel you forward, His Word also contains some dire warnings...

So, dear brothers and sisters, work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, and you will never fall away. Then God will give you a grand entrance into the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
( 2 Peter 1:9-11)
When reading scriptures like this I know that His grace is still that... grace, that catches us when we fail to work hard on this for a while... understanding and mercy and compassion... but we NEED to accept the forgiveness and grace ... and then get up again, in His strength and move forward... so whatever keeps you stuck this morning... let Him lift you up, allow His love and grace to permeate you, fill you and give you the courage to make the first step towards knowing Him more... and the "proving" is taken care of...
I am imagining the "Grand Entrance into the Eternal Kingdom"..... He blows me away... there will be a party... cookies and cream cupcake towers... beautiful music and LOVE so tangible, if there were tears in heaven there would be that never ending stream of them flowing down my face... as my soul for the first time will fully comprehend His divine LOVE for me.... Joy that will never end... bliss for eternity.... so today, as I am again filled by Him.. His Word, His power and love... I am asking Him to allow me to be useful for Him...LOVE Him like crazy....