my life revolves around the One who gave it to me... I see Him in everything... (and that's because He has created it all and is intricately involved in every detail of our lives.. duh...)
if we are aware of it or not, there is a spiritual realm.. another "level" that is going on at all times..
living my life to please Him as good as I can, with His help, I am also able to discern some things that others can't necessarily see.. maybe this is what makes me sensitive to what is going on around me on such a deep level..
not sure, I only know that understanding just how lost this world is is a constant awareness I have..
meeting with a new client today, one sent to us by the CAS worker, we are so happy to be able to offer her some support with parenting her children... not necessarily what we are "advertising" for, considering we are a Pregnancy Care Center, but still equipped for it all the same..
the curriculum is here and one of the Volunteers is ready to meet with her one on one..
she will join the Young Moms group.. and might even bring her kids for the Kid's program we have on Wednesday nights at the church..
a younger sister, who is pregnant, will come to us as a client in a couple of weeks...
hearing the needs of this whole family I am struck once again by the hopelessness that characterizes some people's lives... we do not have to go far at all, all this is happening right here..
so sure of this calling of the Lord:
Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
stop doing wrong.
Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:16
He is the Father of the Fatherless, the Redeemer of Souls.. He wants us to receive His Grace and Mercy and extend it to others, the gift of salvation is not just for us.. so that we can sit and enjoy the assurance of eternal life and God's blessing... He saves us to be His hands and feet.. my prayer is that He continues to break my heart for what breaks His.. and that He then will guide me on the path of sharing His hope and His love with the people in need... that's what life is all about!!!!