15 years ago today, early in the morning we made our way to Georgetown hospital to get prepped for C-Section #3.. the first one of those had been traumatic and so I was not looking forward to that one, since they wouldn't put me under for it like the nice German people did for my 2nd one..
I wasn't expecting what my Father in Heaven had arranged for me... when lying on the operating table an incredible peace came over me.. this was not of me.. at that time I was not even able to relax in situations like this, I was too tense and full of fear... this was a scheduled C-section and my friends at church had a meeting at that time and were praying for me.. for me to lie there and feel relaxed and peaceful was such a surprise and blessing to me... but it didn't end there... the anesthesiologist sitting behind me all of a sudden said "sounds like this baby will be born any second now.." and with that he pushed my upper body up, pulled down the sheet that was there to keep me from seeing them cutting me open, just in time for me to see my baby girl enter the world.... this was a most incredible experience, I will never forget.
had anyone asked me before if I wanted to see it I for sure would have declined... thinking it would be too strange... this way I just saw it and it was a miracle..
the nurse did what she had to do and handed her to her Dad, who held her, sitting right next to my head so I could have a look as well..
I am so thankful for this daughter of mine, who no longer is a little girl, but a pretty grown up young, lovely woman... all the little children she has had in the dance classes she has been assisting over the last 5 years love her like crazy...she is on her own journey with God and He has been faithful to her as well. I am thankful to have her home with me, so glad there is such a big age difference between my girls, works out well now that I am single... can't wait to see how God is going to use her... she has a very big heart...
going out for dinner now to celebrate her birthday with her Oma and Opa... a special occasion since her birthday is so close to Christmas.. we will just enjoy it... all thanks to Him from whom all blessings flow..