... went through a little time of wanting to take my destiny into my own hands, helping God along a bit, you know... we all do it... knowing full well that He does NOT need my help..... okay okay....
so... encounters with the "world"...... safely keeping enough distance ... but still... had to find out again... He does know best... who would have thought.... hahahaha...
reminded again, my citizenship is in heaven... I am not of this world... I am in the world, but I am a foreigner... when the Lord of Heaven and Earth claimed me as His own almost 17 years ago He basically "ruined" me for this world...
living mostly in this "Christian Community Bubble", where we all have the same kind of core values and beliefs.. I am shocked how different the values of the world really are... and how "weird" I have become in the world's eyes... the funny part is that only 2, 3 generations ago I would have fit in very easily....
so am I some dusty, forgotten, old fashioned lady that is stuck in the past? hung up on things that have been "improved"... someone silly and narrow minded?
this is one way of looking at it, but on the other hand... God gave us morals and values and a guide to living thousands of years ago.... people have been following these laws and guidelines all throughout the ages... there have always been others that ridiculed them, even persecuted and killed them for it...
could it be that I should be thankful I don't fit in? taking every opportunity to reflect who God is to people and not be troubled that I am just not a citizen of this world but of heaven?
Philippians 3 :18-21
For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.
for sure... in my case today I was protected again by my loving Father in Heaven... faithfully answering my prayers of closing doors I shouldn't go through...
reality is, He doesn't need my help. I need more patience... I should not and can not compromise... I am His and that is the end of it. once again He rescued me from myself... I asked Him to and He did...