Wednesday, December 22, 2010

... just keep swimming... just keep swimming...

... sometimes I feel like a little fish in a school of fish on the bottom of the ocean, thousands and thousands of us... Dori comes to mind... "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming" just swimming and swimming... in a big crowd... not really seeing where it is going and what is happening around me... a little anxious, frazzled, overwhelmed... life can seem that way... this last little while has been a little like that... so many things going on, so many things to take care of, so many burdens.... running the rat race... with a sick feeling in my tummy.... I am aware that this is what the Evil one wants, for me to feel insignificant and alone in a crowd of others running around aimlessly .... everything being meaningless .... I know that it is not true... that even though there are billions living a life similar to mine.. I am one of a kind ( for better or worse ;) I am fearfully and wonderfully made.... the purpose for my life intricately woven into the beautiful picture that God is creating... I know this... I believe this... then why do I get caught up in this and why do I have this sick feeling of fear in my stomach... it seems my brain is constantly going, trying to figure out the chaos around me ...  it's like being on one of those carousels... going really fast... trying to hold on but feeling the centrifugal force winning... eventually it will be stronger than my strength to hold on.... and there I will be... flying violently... no direction and no hope... because this is a given....I will crash, I will be hurt and broken into pieces..
But then again... no, this is not true... My God has me on the path He wants me to be on. He has laid out that path before me, He walks with me and He holds me in place... He protects me and even  though I sometimes feel I am spinning it is like my friend pointed out to me so clearly... it is He who is holding on to my hands, not me trying to hold on to Him...
This is where my hope lies... this is why my hope cannot be shaken.. no matter how crazily my life is spinning out of control... no matter that I have been dealing with things that are not supposed to be happening and there is no end in sight, He who created the Universe is on my side... He has my back...
It takes me to put time aside to draw near to him to ground myself though... otherwise the feeling of centrifugal forces getting out of control is imminent..
sometimes I just would like to turn the "tv of my life" off... take a break.... not deal with all the stuff... but I guess this has to wait.... He alone knows when the time is right for that... I have to admit, I am looking forward to it.....

... A prayer of Thanksgiving...

...let me start this day with a prayer of thanks to my Redeemer..
I thank You because this is a new day that You have made...
I thank You because You have saved me and redeemed me from slavery,
I once was a slave to sin and now You are my Master and My Lord,
through You I have the ability to say No to sin... you gave me your Holy Spirit,
You never give up on me, You are more committed to me than I will ever comprehend.
in Your lovingkindness You chose me even before the beginning of the World to be Yours,
I thank You because my eternal life with you started 16 and a half years ago
and ..since it is eternal, will never end..
one day I will be with You in perfect fellowship...
and until then You are always right here with me,
as I draw closer to You , You will draw closer to me,
You are revealing Yourself to me through Your Word..
You are the  Word..
this is why I love it so much...
I thank You for giving me a passion for You and for the lost,
I thank You for the fact that today,
a year after the my children I and I were abandoned and rejected..
we are in a better place... wounds slowly healing while scars remain,
but You... You have made Yourself known through this valley
in a most profound way and I thank You for that.
I thank You that through allowing the heartache
You have shown me how strong my faith has become..
You already knew this, but I didn't...
Thank You for grooming me and putting me together for that one specific ministry You have for me now...
Thank You for allowing me to extend Your love and forgiveness to those around me...
Thank You Lord for my children, my friends... my family in Christ...
Thank You for excitement in my life and things to look forward to...
but Thank You most of all that I am Your beloved child,
that You quiet me with Your love, that You delight over me with singing
and that indeed You are mighty to save
and that I will never need anything other than knowing in my heart that You love me....

I will praise You and worship You today and always
My heart is filled to overflowing because of You pouring Your love into me...
I am in awe and I am forever grateful....
May all I say and do today be for Your glory and honor..
May it be pleasing in Your sight... by your grace...
Trusting You for that...