epic day.. mowed the lawn again and fixed the clogged up kid's bathroom sink.. since moving into this house 18 months ago the water never really drained the way it was supposed to (reeeaaaaalllyyy slowly;)... typical procrastinator I am and not wanting to pay a plumber.. ;) I left it until, a week ago, it happened... no water made it down the drain anymore at all..
asked a friend.. didn't come through for me.. so I looked at the pipes and whatever else is under the sink and was contemplating maybe buying a tool and trying it myself anyways.. started to fiddle with it and got to the root of the problem without having any idea what I was doing... gotta love God for how He can use us and allow us to be successful without having the slightest understanding what it is we are doing..
fact: the drain is clear and the water is running as freely as a little creek in the spring... hahaha
removed some other "stuff" in another area of my life.. it had been clogging me up spiritually lately, and I am so thankful for how God orchestrated all this..
so the Spirit is flowing freely ( like a creek in the spring ) through me again... mind you, He had still been working through me and my ministry anyways.. thankfully..God is just so faithful..
epic day.. amazing.. ( now the kids don't have to brush their teeth in my sink anymore..Hallelujah!!!)