as we are growing up in Him, as he entrusts us with more and more of the mystery of the life with Him, as He allows trials in our lives, as He disciplines as only a loving, perfect Father can, it sometimes is hard not to question were that first peace went and weren't we not promised something else...
sometimes we are blinded by the fog of taking things / blessings for granted...focusing on the hardship and not on the loving care of the Father.
Every morning when we wake up and there is light, the Lord has blessed us, every morning when everyone we love and care for is still breathing, ourselves included, we are blessed.
Every opportunity to smile at someone, every smile or friendly word we receive is a blessing from Him.
Every moment of hope, every thought of something that warms our hearts is an undeserved gift from the Maker of heaven and earth..
As I am walking through this unchartered territory, I am learning that every moment I can choose to be thankful rather than give in to despair, hopelessness or self-pity...
Taking each moment and giving it to God, to surrender it to Him, leaving it at His throne... choosing to walk in His presence and lean on Him for every step if that's what it takes is what our walk is all about.
If ever we have observed another Christian going through a hard time we only have seen them being able to stand up tall and keep on going... anyone who is by God's strength and grace able to do this has practised just that, taking a new breath in the strength of the Lord every time, choosing to trust Him, not as a abstract concept but as a way of life... lived out every second of every day.
I am not taking for granted the fact that He is there for me for that, walking with me or carrying me through the rough spots, rather it proves to me that He indeed loves me...the misconception that this would mean there was no hurt and pain leads to disillusionment and frustration... it is in the pain of the moment that we need to decide to trust Him, again and again..
Lately I am waking up with this prayer in my heart, crying out to Him ... fill my heart with your spirit because you love me, fill me to overflowing with the understanding that I need to hold on tight to you every moment of every day..... to know you is to want to know you more... Thank you Lord for taking so much of my earthly security away...to make me realize how much I need you, every moment of every day and to be in awe about the fact, that you are really there...
Amazing Grace... you are forever mine...