another client last night at Hope for Life.. just loving what God is doing, and how He cares so much about us.. the ones that don't know Him and us, the ones that know Him, love Him, want to serve Him and seeking His will for our lives..
I shouldn't be that flabbergasted about how He is at work.. but I am.. I am in awe...
read this story about the little baby that survived without amniotic fluid for almost 20 weeks , when the Drs were expecting him to die for sure..
instead of dying after a day his heartbeat became stronger and stronger and he was delivered healthy at 33 weeks, only his one leg was a little damaged because he had been lying on it all this time..
an Epic meeting this morning... humanly speaking there was no possibility for it to turn out the way it did.
humanly speaking, there was no solution, there was no willingness to compromise.. both sides, because of many old hurts and hardened hearts, because of pride and selfishness, were not really willing to meet half way.. and then.. as the meeting had to come to an end.... there it was, prayers sent up, 2 out of 3 children trusting Him... there was a compromise ..
again, flabbergasted.. surprised.. in awe of Him, with whom all things are possible.. even when the main players independently and rebelliously are rejecting Him.. He still steps in and does the impossible..
I have come to understand how much He does so that we would know Him more, which leads to us loving and admiring and worshipping Him more..
what love is this.. that He would care enough to do what He did today.. it makes me think of this scripture:
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!... wow, really, after He already gave the biggest gift, His son as a sacrifice for our sins, he continues to give and give and give...
Praising Him today and always...