no one can top that one... I am His, for eternity... I am never alone, even if everyone around me deserts me.. He has all I need for me... He blesses me beyond belief..
I am thankful for my children, they are healthy and wonderful ( no surprise there, after all, they are MY kids, how could they turn out any different .. just kidding ;)

I am thankful for my friends... since becoming Christ's own He has allowed me to love and be loved by so many of His children... this blows me away every day..
I am thankful for the joys in my life... when I am able to share His love with others..
when I see His creation and His attention to detail takes my breath away..
when He touches my heart through someone... when my cute little puppies that are so soft and loving snuggle up to me... when my "adopted" daughters , and I have many... my friends keep them coming... run up to me and hug me... now that is amazing...
when I get a glimpse of what God has in store for my life.. how I will serve Him in new places and capacities... mind boggling!!!
when He draws near to me as I am drawing near to Him...... and it goes on and on..
through the harder times in my life, present struggles included, I have sometimes lost sight of all the good that is going on... when stunned by hurt and rejection sometimes I think our senses get out of whack and we have a difficult time focusing on the good...
thankfully God will never leave us in this place.... still learning from Him how as the tears are streaming down my face because of all the sadness, my heart can overflow with thanksgiving to Him... now that IS mind boggling...
trusting and worshipping Him with all that I have.... Beauty in the turmoil.... Jesus manifested in my own experience... when He, focused on the joy laid before Him gave His life a ransom for many....
Thank You Lord... there are no words and there is nothing I could do to ever communicate to You how thankful I am...