I am not sure why this is, but I cannot stop smiling as soon as I step foot on Tennessee soil.. even if it is just that thing that connects the terminal with the plane.. ( no idea what you call this in English.. sorry)
I am so happy to be here I can hardly contain myself.. I have no idea why....
this is my second time here and I feel like I am coming home... know my way around the airport, the Starbucks in the terminal, the Thrifty Car Rental place... found the way to Franklin and my hotel with no problems, in the dark and in the rain!!!!!!!!!!!
oh, and I got the cutest car... I always get a free upgrade... aren't those people just so amazing here???
so, it is a red Sportage and I love it...
went to Publix and got a few things to munch on last night... then I settled down in my hotel room... and.. I still can't stop smiling.. someone tell me why?
met with my friend Michelle for Breakfast at the Cracker Barrel.. Christian Bookstore, and then.. the Mall...a little Christmas shopping for my girlies... found my way back... yes.. still smiling..
tomorrow morning I will go take care of some business and then have 2 meetings in the afternoon...
I feel so very very blessed that I can be here, and look, it is not about Michael W Smith or even the few people I know around here..
because I missed my flight on Saturday I didn't get to see Mary (VERY SAD about that, Mary.. I love you)... and because it was supposed to snow here ( oolala... disaster!!!!!) another friend cancelled his plans to come see me here today...
anyways.. will go to the Opryland Hotel with Michelle, her daughter and Granddaughter tonite.. I am told it is beautifully decorated for Christmas...
and I am smiling....
God is so very good to me, I am just so excited to be here and I am enjoying being alone.. yes.. I am not lonely, I am happy to be doing and accomplishing what I am, and I am great company for myself..this is not me at all 2 years ago, I have come such a long way.. all because my Redeemer loves me, all because He delights over me with singing... He has quieted me with His love when the going was so very tough, and He won't stop blessing me..... I had that vision of Him in a nice soft light blue and white striped shirt, so very, very soft, like Ralph Lauren is making them, He was holding me in His arms and I was just nestling my head against His shoulder / chest ( and hearing His heart beat) one morning during that Alaska Cruise in July 2010... when I was still so raw from all the pain and sorrow... He has been my close companion ever since, so I am sharing with Him this time down here, He is as excited as I am... ( it's because He loves me), He also doesn't mind shopping... yup, He goes with me even there... :)
what else can a crazy girl like me ask for?????
going to a nice get together tomorrow night at 6, just found out about that ... home again on Thursday...
and that is a great thing too...
I love my girls, my puppies, my friends, my work, my church and that He always goes along with me, He will never leave me, ignore me or forsake me, He won't even get angry or annoyed, impatient or disappointed... He just loves me and spurs me on, encourages me and transforms me into His likeness..
He is the GREATEST!!!!!!!!! ( and maybe, just maybe, one day I will get to share this with that godly man that I know He has for me... YAY!!!)