there will be so much to learn for my mother... always the doer... controlling everything.... she will have to realize she needs to step back....
talking about how much "luck" she had.... my brother and her...
other than emotional I am also a black and white , analytical truth seeker... it makes so much more sense for me to rely on and trust the God of the Universe ( and they believe in Him... no question about that) to take care of my needs... than hope for and then credit "luck"... takes a lot more faith ...
my daughters and my sisters in Christ stepping in, taking care of my responsibilities at home... freeing me up to stay here with my mother for a bit longer... such a blessing... I am forever grateful to them being Christ to me...
when surrounded by the unforgiveness and bitterness of those that are not aware of their need for forgiveness... I am taking another step in growing in my faith, my trust in God... where will they go... will they ever understand... will they ever surrender? it is so hard watching the torment and seeing so clearly what is going on yet not being able to change anything for them.. I have shared where my hope comes from... I have been ridiculed and mistreated for it... I have been misunderstood and hated... I have lived it out in front of them, sometimes better, sometimes worse...
realizing that this too is up to Him all alone... that I need to live to bring Him glory and if it is in His plan He will save them.....
like it says in 1 Corinthians 3: 6+7 "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow."
Don't like it... wish I could make it happen... the way it goes now my prayer is that I am not hindering what God is doing.... understanding once again that it is Him... not me....
fighting it... but finally giving in... feeling relieved... a burden placed at His altar... into His capable hands... this is where I leave them.... climbing up into His lap... looking into His loving eyes... and I do not worry anymore... cancer, strife, hatred..... nothing is too big for my Jesus to deal with ......
My God is good, so strong and so mighty, there is nothing my God cannot do!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lay down the burden of your heart,
you know you'll never miss it,
lay down the burden of your heart
and let your Daddy fix it...
( Amy Grant )