...it's been a while, and that is unheard of in my very young but passionate love affair with blogging...
I have been thinking about this... it must be my age, I am just not that young anymore.. yes, that is true... I just don't seem to be able to be doing everything all at once and then some.. I think I was able to do that before... maybe I am fooling myself...
..anyways, between being a mother, working part time, buying a house, moving, attending aDivorce Support group with a friend, getting prepared to , God willing open my own Pregnancy Center, taking my youngest to Team Canada rehearsals and getting ready to go to Poland for the World Championships of Dance.... somehow I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed.... just a tiny bit.. throw in the broken in car window, car trouble, Mentoring groups and such and really... it's all a wonderful blast... it is....
My new house will be a HOME for us very soon, such a blessing, I am in love with this humble abode that is going to be the cozy shelter for my girls and me.... can't wait to be unpacked far enough to start putting the Christmas decorations out....... :)
Have been reminded this morning, when a bit down ( my puppies are taking turns either throwing up or pooing all over the place.... all too much for them I guess ) because I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep and woke up to a bigger clean up after the dog session.... - was reminded that I am BLESSED and that this is a new morning, a new day, full of mercy, grace and love, right there waiting for me... paid for with a horrendous price just for me and whoever will believe they need this gift.....
...I went to a shelter to deliver a baby bassinet a tremendously generous, wonderful friend had donated for one of the girls I am seeing... walking in there was quite the reality check for me.. I spend the hour driving home thanking God that He has blessed us and kept us safe all along... we have never had to find shelter in such a place (and it is amazing they are there)... we just moved like I said and we are making this place a home where we can all come and find peace and rest.....
so I am.....overwhelmed, a bit.... frazzled, yes...... even frustrated at times, yes....
ULTIMATELY extremely thankful??? For sure!!!!!!!.. driving home again today , praying and worshipping my Lord, my Saviour and the Lover of my soul...I realized, this is another phase in my life in which He is teaching me something new... I am finding myself feeling all these negative feelings at some point in time and but then I get to step back.. look at it and make a decision... how cool is this... is this what self control looks like?? It's not perfection, meaning that there is no more frustration or difficulty and negative feelings, but rather getting a chance to make a choice that honors the One who came to give us life, and life abundantly.... I am impressed at what He is doing in this small little stubborn heart of mine ( considering I am fighting Him all the way..) ... He really is changing me.... that's amazing and another reason to be thankful... back to work I go... with a heart full of Thankfulness and Awe... My God is an awesome God.. He really is....