10 months later, one thing has become very clear to me... God in His sovereignty , after sifting what was coming at us through His loving fingers, allowed what was intended for evil... because He was going to use it for good, to bring about His purpose in my life... (I am trusting that the same is true for God's purpose for my children...)
intended for evil... God turning it into something good... sounds familiar?
right, Joseph, his envious brothers selling Him as a slave... God allowing it and using the evil to make sure Abraham's descendants would not have to starve during the famine..
10 months later, the wounds that were inflicted are healing slowly, scars will remain, a sadness that will probably never really leave for what was lost, but at the same time it seems that by losing my marriage I was freed up to pursue what God had been preparing me for my whole life. Allowing heartache and wrong choices, allowing me to serve and learn in Women's Ministry for many years, he finally brought me to the place where my greatest passion and the biggest perceived need intersected... the place where I will be able to bring the most glory to Him..who prepared these good works in advance for me.

it feels like "in the fullness of time" God is bringing to fruition what He had planned from before I was born..
it fills my heart with gratitude that He would have a purpose for me, a place where I can extend His love to needy and lost women in a crisis situation bringing glory to Him and representing Him to the women that will come into "my" Center one day...
So, what was intended for evil... by God's grace might turn into something good after all...