My mother used to make fun of me by saying my "eighties - baby" was growing up with the phone cord around her.. ( that was me talking to her for hours figuring out the secrets of motherhood )
today's kids don't even know that phones had cords at one point in time...

last Sunday I decided to get off facebook for some time and reduce my texting and twitter activities...
I realized I was receiving some of my affirmation and sense of importance through connecting with people that way...
I am energized by relating to others, I usually enjoy being together with my kids, my friends... I also have a profound need to be alone, which then makes the fact that I am "alone" as in no longer married so much more evident... so really, these devices have become even more important for me...
as I have been trying to find all I need in my relationship with God, I just decided I needed to get rid of the devices that make me feel less alone.. because , the truth is I am, I am not, because I do have my kids and my friends that love me, but I am, because I am not a part of a couple ... the plan is to be fine with that... and I am, but then I am not other times..
Long story short... these last 4 days I have been praying a lot more and taking my loneliness to Him, rather than trying to distract myself by knowing everything everyone is sharing with everyone... wow... that's crazy anyways...
I am not signing off facebook for good.... just taking some time off... ( I will actually post this on there today.... but just not go on ;)for a while, fixing my eyes on the eternal... he was enough the last 2000 years... He is today, and He will be for the next 2000 years if this is the plan..... I am fearfully and wonderfully made; my God does not make junk... I am complete and I am His beloved child, I have a purpose and He made me to long for Him... like the Donut man back then told my kids... our hearts are like donuts... they have a hole in the middle that only He can fill, no friends on facebook or followers on twitter or my blog.....
So I am continuing to draw close to Him, because He promised to draw close to me then, He also said He would be found if I am seeking Him with all my heart... and I am, I surely am....