Thursday, May 12, 2011

Laura Story : Blessings

.."inviting" His sovereignty...

..I do love following these wonderful Christians and Christian organizations on Twitter.... many humble and wise people tweeting a scripture or a challenge.. I have found that very often something speaks to me and makes me think, and pray, and check stuff out in my bible..
this morning... after waves  of discouragement lately... I read a blog from one of the Nashville pastors I like a lot... ;) pastor of Cross Point Church in Nashville... Pete Wilson..
challenged by him to think about and realize what my "State of Deception" is... accepting the fact we all are in a certain state of deception at all times ... he quotes Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man,  but in the end it leads to death.
Jeremiah 17:9 explains it even better: The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?
wow... scary.... so what is the "State of Deception" I am in?
I am guessing it is "feeling devalued and abandoned"... have stayed there for too long... time to move on, not just accepting God's sovereignty but inviting it, applauding it and celebrating it... truth is, that the plans He has are to prosper and not to harm, to give a FUTURE and a HOPE... it is true... it is something very good... I am special... He refines me... He uses me... He loves me... He blesses me beyond anything I could have ever asked for...
I am deciding to step out of this state of deception and let go of the "self pity" because what others might have intended for evil He only allowed because He has something so much better for me...
 so...what state of deception are you in?????