"But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats do not be frightened.” But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander." ( 1 Peter 3:14-16)
There are many in my life that do not know the Lord... many of them have heard the Gospel, but somehow it is not that important to them... for some reason they think this is a more cavalier kind of a thing... " this might be important for you... good for you... but I don't need it..." and stuff like that...
challenged to be prepared to speak the truth.... if what I believe is true, that without a personal relationship with Jesus, total surrender to Him all that we have to look forward to is eternity separated from God ( also called HELL) then all those that are not taking this seriously are in deep doo doo... or, if what I am believing is not true... and either there is no "eternity" then we all will just become dust and that will be it, or, like so many believe today, we will all just live on in peace and harmony... anyways, looks like I am the one who is better off...
But all joking aside... We all are lost, we all fall short of what God calls us to be, which is holy, we all are sinners and without God's plan of redemption lived out through Jesus have no chance to be right with God... by believing He did pay for our sins and asking for forgiveness we can become a child of God and eternity with Him starts that moment... no more facing heartache and every day troubles alone, no more confusion about what is right and wrong, no more meaninglessness.. a real purpose... hope that never fails and acceptance and love... a peace that passes all understanding and joy in all circumstances... and that is for real, because I am living it every moment of every day....
We are called to share that hope that we have, we are part of the greater plan that God has to push back the gates of hell.... and maybe, most people today think we are crazy and out of touch... but, like I said, if what we are believing is the truth... they are in eternal trouble... so this is my post of the day... so that those, that do not know might know.. if you think I am a fanatic religious person and dismiss me, that's fine.. I am cherishing my relationship with my Saviour, God's Son and even if that was "all" I had I would have more than enough.... Check it out!!!!!!!!