for some this is horrible news and they are already plotting how they can get away from it...
for some, there are mixed feelings... clear, really crisp winter mornings are on the way ( makes me think of skiing.. so much fun ) but then again, the freezing rain yuckiness... horribly cold winds... slush and slippery roads... hmmmmm..
we know it is coming, we would like to escape, but we know we can't, or not for long anyways.. after all, we are in Canada and winter stays with us for a very, very long time...
We can be sure of one thing though, and that is that spring definitely will come...and summer even, after that..
isn't that what our lives are like too??? Sometimes we know that the road ahead will not be an easy one and if we could, we really would like to get away... we also know though we can't escape it and that even in the difficult times there will be moments of joy ( Christmas is in the winter!!!)
we also know that with God there is always going to be spring and summer on the horizon...there is hope, there is a future in heaven with Him that has been guaranteed, there are blessings throughout and there will always be a silver lining... like those beautiful winter days.
it might be harsh at times and cold, but there is always the warmth and comfort of the shelter we have with our Father in Heaven, who, with His love will keep us warm.....He will protect us from harm and keep us safe through the barren winter months...
there is a reason for winter... there is a reason for the valleys and difficult times in our lives.. new life springs from it, growth and beauty.
we just need to trust in Him, who made it all, who put it all together and who is in total control of EVERYTHING that happens in and to His Creation.
the more we know Him the more we can trust Him...He is always there, like an open book (His Word) all we need to know is right there for us. we can meet Him face to face and draw as close as we desire.. He promised He will be there always, until the end of time...
so don't be discouraged by what might be ahead...He has it all figured out!!!
I Praise Him for the sunshine of today!!!