when I googled "Baby Shower Cup Cakes" I had the hardest time to chose... they were all soooooo cute and colourful...
yesterday I googled this because I was creating an Event on facebook and I wanted to use a cute picture like this...
after a great meeting with my pastor ( he is my shepherd and I am his sheep :D ) I finally was able to get the posters up on the church and now to invite people on facebook to attend the joyous event:
The Grand Opening and Dedication service we will have for Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center on October 16.....
I have personally invited the Mayor and the newspaper to come, my Volunteers know about their role in this, testimonies are lined up and the EXCITEMENT is RISING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I chose the little cupcakes as a picture for the event because we are asking everyone in the congregation to bring a "Baby Shower Gift " my pastor, being a man and all .. ;) was concerned if it was a good idea to let the gifts be brought to the altar as a part of the Dedication... he didn't want to do it if there would only be a handful of gifts.. well, I told him that, like every other woman, I am excited to get a baby gift... ( I thank my friends for having babies and allowing me to go shopping for one :)
I am counting on a beautiful display of our generosity that Sunday.. I can see all the colourful bags in the front, a display of our commitment to bless the women of Halton Hills and their babies...
As a church and as a community it is a privilege for us to be in a place where we can bless others... every good and perfect gift comes from above, we have been given our abilities, our jobs, our finances from the One who provides and from whom all blessings flow...
my prayer is that He will be pleased with the outward display of putting our heart where our treasure is, by leaving a gift at the altar for someone who will be delighted to receive it one day and also make a statement that as Christians we DO care about what is happening outside our church walls... that the love we have for others in need is genuine...
I cannot wait to see all this unfold on October 16.... be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( and bring a gift!!!)