... feeling so blessed these days.. so thankful for the presence of my best friend and lover of my soul, He goes with me wherever I go and I can feel the warmth of His embrace all the time..
since being single I have gone from feeling rejected, thrown away and broken into a thousand pieces to feeling whole, loved and cherished like never before..
the amazing thing is that it has nothing to do with my circumstances..
they have not really changed that much..
and as much as I firmly believe that God did create us to be in a marriage relationship, and long to one day meet the man God has for me, I am feeling great... so surprising to me..
since being alone I have met so many different people, just had a few hours communicating with someone who seemed like a gift from the Lord to me for that time.. those few hours of one random evening..
blessing flowing to me in such different ways.. enriching my heart and soul..
embracing the blessings as they come, appreciating them and drinking them in..., know some amazing songs I didn't know before, gleaned some insight into matters that are important to me, oh how marvellous to feel souls resonating... I learned to do that.. just taking every hour for what it is.. and allowing the peace and joy of the Lord to permeate the last little corner of my soul..
never in my life have I felt that complete, loved and secure..
I think this is what it should have felt like all along.. so thankful that He has brought me here..
He is my faithful companion, my Lord and my Saviour, He has carried me through the valley and He just hangs out with me .. delighting over my deep joy and the awe I feel as I am so very close to Him.. filled with His love my cup overflows.. love spilling over..
Oh Jesus.. that you would have saved me when I was hostile and lost... Your grace and mercy overwhelm me and make my soul sing... eternally..
may all I do and say bring glory and honour to you.. #SoliDeoGloria