Monday, October 25, 2010

.. a broken world without hope...

.. it would be really interesting to find out how we come up with this... we are selfish and full of pride.. liars, cheaters and greedy did we come up with thinking we have a right to be perfectly happy and taken care of... how DID we ????

I think it is  something deep down inside, since we are made in the image of God, maybe there is some memory or idea how it should be... in the garden of Eden.. walking with the Lord, enjoying His love, attention, provision and care... right... that's probably why..

But back then, it happened, sin entered the world and brokenness has been the norm since... and until our eyes are opened by God's grace, revealing Himself to us and letting us get a glimpse of who we really are, corrupt and totally depraved, we have no idea and DEMAND all the good stuff, feeling entitled to judge others and get really upset that they are, as we are ourselves, totally unable to treat us that way..

Until 3 months ago, before getting involved at the Pregnancy Center I had NO IDEA!!! Oh, I had heard about people struggling, drugs, abuse, poverty... I had felt sorry and I had even prayed, given money for good causes etc. ... but, I had  no idea.

God had allowed me to reach out to hurting women and to extend His healing but that was all inside the church walls, ministering to people that already had received the most important gift there is..salvation through Jesus...

I am so thankful to have been led outside the walls in a capacity to try and make a difference for God's glory, to walk along side people that never had a chance... lost in a broken world, dealing with tough stuff, making wrong choices and just never able to get ahead and find some stability and hope.

How small even the "ultimate" betrayal by an unfaithful husband, the pain inflicted by some of the closest people stabbing me in the back seems in comparison to what these girls deal with on a daily basis..

Girls the same age as my girls, even younger, with so many scars already... so many losses and hurts...
and I am not saying that my girls have not been hurt by those letting us down, but I am realizing that through all this God has had us under His wings, protected for sure from greater harm.

Again, nothing compared to the 3 young women that I am mentoring now.. As I am praying for them I am fully aware that the biggest gift I have for them is not all the nice stuff they can find for their babies , or the help, support and encouragement I can give, but the one thing, that alone can make a difference in someone's life, the Good News, a relationship with the One who gave His life so that by His wounds we could be healed..

As I am relating to the women that come into the center, I pray that they would see Jesus in me and that His love would touch them and draw them close. I am thankful that sharing Him with others is something I love doing.. so as relationships are being established I will tell them about my best friend, the One who does not only have for me all I could ever need but who is always going to be there....and that He wants to be their friend too!!!!!!!!!!  :D

... a new morning....

... a new week...woke up with a headache, again... a long list of to do's... moving in less than a month...I really do NOT want to pack everything up again.... another consequence.. sucky...  "3" moves in one year... :(
The last few days were kind of grey, like the weather and for a while there I got a little discouraged.. I so want to be done with this...
Then, this morning, like every morning, I heard from God... He speaks to me from His word, and it is all very clear to me.. no surprises that we are facing trials.. but such a wonderful privilege to be called by His name... love His people, and that I do... feel His presence and know that HE is trustworthy and faithful... reliable... I guess that's one of the main things for me , and I shouldn't be surprised... promises broken leave you with a humongous need for someone who won't break His promises, thankfully I have known Him for a long time to be sure that I can trust Him...
Heading to Cambridge today, excited about that.. meeting with the lady I am working together to open our own Center tomorrow morning.. He is moving... in big ways and it is EXHILARATING !!!!!!!
So taking my eyes off the bleak, the grey and the painful ... fixing them on the One who calls me His sister and by His strength and grace I will embark on a new week... He gives and takes away... I will choose to say, Lord blessed is Your name!!!!!