..today I am continuing to praise God for how He has been at work through this situation... not only for all the best case scenarios we were allowed to see happening... but also for the set backs and what they revealed... for the good that He has brought out of something so difficult... for knowing Him better... trusting Him more in the turmoil....
I am thanking Him for the peace He has given me through it all.. an acceptance and trust no matter what the outcome... on a human level it is really not something that can be explained.. I almost don't even want to write it down... to say that I would have been okay had my mother not made it, would be wrong... I would have been devastated ... but I knew that even if the worst was going to happen, that God was still good, that He would have been right there with us through it all...
I guess one of the reasons He allows the "devastating" is to show us that all the Bible, His Word, tells us is indeed true... when my husband walked out, broke up via e-mail 6 days before Christmas.. he did, that was it, there were no best case scenarios coming true... this was the worst case and it didn't end there.... but God has been there all the way... wiping away tears and holding me up when standing upright was unbearable..
so I know ...that I know... that I know for sure sure sure..... He is never ever forsaking us.. as my mother faces Chemo and another surgery, a difficult 7 months ahead of her.. He will be there for her and all of us... if in the process she will become aware of it I will not be able to stop rejoicing... but I will Praise Him no matter what... Because He is my God and I will trust Him...