have I ever mentioned how much I love my church family????? when I first was saved I was surprised to feel such love for people in my church... making friends on a totally different level than ever before..
connecting because we love the same "guy" with a passion that supersedes anything we have ever known..
anyways... this morning, after copying and folding and setting up.. walking into the sanctuary, seeing, hugging and talking to some friends I was surprised I wasn't nervous... the sanctuary was full .. so that's I think about 500 - 600 people... and I was going to have to go up there and speak, only for 4 minutes but nonetheless...
celebrating what God has been doing in the lives of the members of our congregation always is a wonderful thing.. hearing little testimonies ... age range 10 - 65 maybe, and I am only guessing... how uplifting and heart warming..
when it was my turn and I was walking up, my "family" applauded me.... my friends, you have no idea how that made me feel....
it was as if Jesus Himself was saying: "way to go, good and faithful servant".... my prayer before I walked up was that what I was going to say was going to be just about Him, not about me...
life is after all... all from Him and all about Him. He alone is to be praised for anything we ever accomplish...
so basically that's what today was all about... to let my family know that there is a new ministry that is all about the love of Christ... loving the brokenhearted, leading them to Him, who came to bind them up, to restore what the locusts have eaten.... to walk alongside the weak and hold them up with His strength...
I am thankful once again that He is going to use me, a battered, bruised and broken vessel... with all kinds of blemishes and holes, some because of my own and some because of the choices of others...
His love is uncontainable... the more holes the more His love can flow freely through them when we allow it...
over the last few months I have been "out there" in the world and have gotten some interesting responses to my faith and my world view... it definitely is foolishness to those who have not had their eyes opened and their ears unstopped....
my prayer is that through Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center Jesus' irresistible love will flow to many women, young and old, and their families, boyfriends and husbands... may they come to know Him and be filled with His uncontainable love.... SOLI DEO GLORIA
We are sometimes fooled to think that beauty is found only once we make it through the desert, the hard and difficult times... I believe as we are trying to walk obediently with the Lord He transforms our struggles into something beautiful..reflecting His Love and Beauty as it is lived out in our lives..
Sunday, May 29, 2011
... there is Hope for Life... and Life abundantly...

up again very early, don't understand even though I was never able to sleep before 3 am while being over there I still wake up at 4 am here every day... there is just no winning this battle just losing sleep on a regular basis.. it's all good...
a little sick... I am convinced I picked this cold up from this guy that was sneezing all over the little train at the Zuerich Airport... what was he thinking not covering his nose :S
anyways... this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it...
working all day on preparations for today's activities at the church... I have been given 4 minutes to tell the congregation about Hope for Life... not a lot, but we also will have an information table during the BBQ for those that are interested in finding out more..
working on my little "speech" I couldn't help but marvel at God's sovereignty and His care.. the way He brought about the launch of this ministry today is so Him... which really means so perfect... the way He works all these things out baffles my mind... details so small and yet not overlooked..
letting me lose what I thought was my security only to point me to Himself over and over again.. my heart emptied of earthly things He then filled the void with heavenly things...
we do not know what the future of Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center will be, He does though....
every precious life saved, every soul saved, every sin repented of and forgiven is Christ manifested and honored...
so today I will talk really fast... just kidding, I will trust that what those in the sanctuary will need to hear about this ministry will be communicated by Him... through me, through the Holy Spirit nudging and directing... and all for His Glory Alone.... SOLI DEO GLORIA
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