up again very early, don't understand even though I was never able to sleep before 3 am while being over there I still wake up at 4 am here every day... there is just no winning this battle just losing sleep on a regular basis.. it's all good...
a little sick... I am convinced I picked this cold up from this guy that was sneezing all over the little train at the Zuerich Airport... what was he thinking not covering his nose :S
anyways... this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it...
working all day on preparations for today's activities at the church... I have been given 4 minutes to tell the congregation about Hope for Life... not a lot, but we also will have an information table during the BBQ for those that are interested in finding out more..
working on my little "speech" I couldn't help but marvel at God's sovereignty and His care.. the way He brought about the launch of this ministry today is so Him... which really means so perfect... the way He works all these things out baffles my mind... details so small and yet not overlooked..
letting me lose what I thought was my security only to point me to Himself over and over again.. my heart emptied of earthly things He then filled the void with heavenly things...
we do not know what the future of Hope for Life Pregnancy Care Center will be, He does though....
every precious life saved, every soul saved, every sin repented of and forgiven is Christ manifested and honored...
so today I will talk really fast... just kidding, I will trust that what those in the sanctuary will need to hear about this ministry will be communicated by Him... through me, through the Holy Spirit nudging and directing... and all for His Glory Alone.... SOLI DEO GLORIA
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