Wednesday, February 29, 2012

...satisfy us in the morning...

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; 
   in the morning I lay my requests before you 
   and wait expectantly. 
Psalm 5:3

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:14

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, 
   for I have put my trust in you. 
Show me the way I should go, 
   for to you I entrust my life. 
Psalm 143:8

This morning, Lord, I come to you and I give you all my burdens.. ( they seem to be piling up :S )
This morning I ask you to help me put my trust in you.. I am leaving my burdens, worries, sadness and hurts at your throne.. help me not to pick them up again during the day..

You alone know what this day will hold, you alone are able to keep me on the path that brings you glory.

I praise you this morning and thank you, for you keep your promises and they are many..
you have clothed me with dignity and strength, you have crowned me with honour and glory.. for your name's sake...
I rely on you to help me keep my eyes fixed on you, for you are eternal, trustworthy, righteous and holy.
You alone are worthy of my praise..
Let me not put up an idol today or grumble about my life... let me accept where you have me with thankfulness and gratitude...
I love you Lord
and I lift my voice
to worship You,
oh my soul rejoice

Satisfy us in the morning with your love
May the favour of the Lord,
 be upon us and our land,
And establish for us all
The work of our hands


Monday, February 27, 2012

.. a light in the darkness....

there were many that thought the name for the Pregnancy Center  ( Hope for Life ) would be too "Pro Life" and people wouldn't come... there were many that thought that having it in the church would keep those that need help from coming... there were many that didn't agree with us "affiliating" with our church relying on them for support and guidance and protection...
today, meeting with a wonderful young woman, our Children's Aid Worker, so excited and appreciative of the variety of support we have available... it was so great to see how impressed she was with what Hope for Life has to offer, and how happy she was to find out about the Divorce Care group the church runs and the Program to help overcome addiction of any kind... when she saw the Care Closet and the EWYL cupboard ( all the beautiful new stuff we have the girls can "buy" with the points they get for coming to their mentoring session and doing their homework) .. she just loved it all...
all of the many clients that have come.. despite the name and the location... have been so surprised at how nice everything is, the Care Closet is in the "Crib Room" of the Nursery... today we came to the conclusion, not only is God bringing those He wants us to minister to, like we believed He would, He also is doing something totally different .. He is changing the perception of what  "church" is of the people that come...
as our church is gearing up for more and more community support programs, this town will come to see what church really is all about..
that we, the church, have a heart to help them, to bring them "Hope for Life", practical support and love...
that this is what being a Christian really means... going forth in His love , with His compassion and His power to change...
we are not people that have it all together.. we just have Someone who can help us overcome dysfunction and brokenness, and because of the gratitude we feel towards what He is doing in our lives, we are excited about making Him known by our "walk", not by our talk... no judgment, just understanding and support...
I think, this is what those that have come so far have felt... so thankful to be able to be His hands and feet...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

..FLEEING from temptation...

for so many years I used to get all teary eyed in church... first because the love of my Lord Jesus Christ was just sinking in and that moved me to tears... Him having saved me from a life lost and broken.. tears of gratitude and awe..
as the years went by finding His comfort on a Sunday morning during worship was so overwhelming and  day to day life so very hard, I was just broken, it seemed His love was like a cocoon.... like a layer of cotton balls all around me and my defences could come tumbling down, at least for a little while...
then, the big trauma and all the many tears that were shed in the months following the demise of my marriage... having been healed from these deep wounds inflicted by betrayal and abandonment I have reached some stability in my life and there haven't been tears in church for a long time...
today.. a different story..
it is just too bad that this life is a journey... yes, it is too bad that there is not something we can reach or achieve or figure out that would leave us just fine for the rest of our lives... on the contrary, when we have figured one thing out we can be sure that God very soon will allow us to recognize another layer of brokenness and difficulty...
I have to admit that I am a little TIRED of this all....
told today that we needed to remember how amazing His grace is when we are just so tired at times that we are tempted to give in and/or up....
a few more lessons from this sermon..need to remember EVERY sin has consequences, both the pain and harm, the scars and the "ripple effect" and the discipline of the Lord... ( we are His children , He loves us and therefore He disciplines us... :S ) ..
need to remember I am VULNERABLE, and you can say that out loud... especially if I think I am far beyond all that "sinful stuff".. duh...
He does provide an escape... with Him I can choose to say no and stand firm, or just FLEE... relying on Him I will be able to endure the temptation and by His grace eventually will move beyond this specific sin...
and.. last but not least, I do have to remember that the evil one is the one that is behind the temptation... he is the one that wants to trip me up, ruin what the Lord is doing through me, my testimony, the glory I by His grace can bring to His name.......
my sin.... in a nutshell.. being discontent with where He has me... shoot... so far not able to conquer this one, but with Him I know I can.. eventually...
because this is true: No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. and God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. but when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 )

Thursday, February 23, 2012

..God wants me to be happy... really?

..heard that a few times in the last little while..."God wants us to be happy"..... where do people get that from??????
yes, the Bible is telling us about how much God loves us, how He blesses us, what He has for us, the life He has for us, a life He wants us to live abundantly... He gives us joy, peace, kindness, patience, gentleness... He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us..  He gives us hope, and a future, He is promising us that in the suffering He will be there, that the peace that passes all understanding will always be ours ... in persevering our characters will be refined, in the fire our faith will be proven genuine.. He says to pick up His cross daily, we are to bring glory to His name.. He gives us His rules and regulations to keep us save from hurting ourselves and everyone around us..
He definitely wants us to become more like Him, know Him, put others before our own needs..
where does it say He wants us to be happy????
I have not found it.. he wants what is best for us... in the long run, and in the long run it is about knowing Him more and more and to learn that we desperately depend on Him... that we NEED to rely on Him alone...
I think those that want to change some of the rules because He definitely can't mean this since He wants us to be happy, don't really trust Him..
driving this morning listening to Casting Crowns, I was once again overwhelmed that the fact that He has saved me when I didn't deserve it, should really make me "HAPPY" for the rest of my life... here and in Heaven with Him...
shouldn't born again followers of Christ, those that have a relationship with Him and have tasted the blessing of knowing Him intimately know better???
I know that it is easy to get caught up in all this... our world tells us we have a RIGHT to be happy... well.. again, is God saying this? I don't think so... we will have total bliss, no more tears and all the joy and happiness there is when we are with Him for eternity.. here on this earth He said we will have troubles.. but He has overcome the world... He said "Don't be surprised when you have to deal with suffering and heartache... with me you can continue to do right, serve me and be a good ambassador for me... I think the whole "God wants me to be happy thingi" is a little off.. holy, yes, joyful in all circumstances yes, but happy??? not so sure...

Monday, February 20, 2012

.... Hope for Life.....

this wonderful friend of mine.. one of my innermost circle of friends... one of those that you meet and have that instant connection with... a friend that supports you and is always there for you... a friend that has your back .. a mutual friend today said she thought of her as being Job... this friend of mine has had to go through a lot in the years I have known her...
sickness at first, her child, and then her.... and then, 10 months ago I received a call from her that made my heart break all over again... here she was facing the same pain I had had to go through 2 years ago... I never would have wished this on an enemy of mine ( I don't even think I have any) but for a friend that close to my heart to go through this hurt me as if it was happening all over again...
we have become even closer through the last 10 months and as much as we both would not have wanted the other to have to deal with this, it is good that we have each other...
last week, more bad news.. this time her precious child, sick again, seriously sick... waking up many times every night just praying for both of them... I know that He is right there with them, I know that He will turn this into something good... He will do that because they love Him... He has called them according to His purpose... He is there to comfort, to give hope, to heal, to walk through the valley with them..
He is giving them peace, peace that surpasses all understanding... He has surrounded them with great doctors and loving nurses, supportive family and friends, and even though had they had a choice they would have chosen not to have to deal with this on top of the turmoil of the last 10 months, He will bless them through it... there will be beauty from ashes and they will know Him even more.. they will know His sweet fellowship and love.. they will know His presence and faithfulness on a much deeper level...
He has perfect plans for them, plans to prosper them, both of them, and not to harm them.. even if this might be hard to see right now.. plans to give them a hope and a future... a future so much brighter than anything they could wish for....

there is a girl I will meet with this week, a young girl that is pregnant... overwhelmed by her reality... there is a woman who is on the path of healing from an abortion.. another woman met with my partner today, pregnant too and not sure what to do... there is such heartbreak EVERYWHERE...
..and like our Pastor for Outreach so passionately communicated on Sunday... we have something to offer to the hurting world.. we relate to them in our sinfulness, in our brokenness, the only difference is that we have HOPE..
a hope that will not be disappointed, because of the Saviour we have... that's the difference.. and we HAVE  to share it... why else did He leave us here... right on Pastor Bob....

Friday, February 17, 2012 very own "Princess Party"...

this has been quite the week...  ups and downs , deep satisfaction and turmoil... scary developments and God answering prayers...
insight and wisdom gained, grace extended, "nest" protected... sickness and fatigue, exhilaration and excitement..
what a roller coaster, and, on so many levels..
I am sure that could be said about any given week in anybody's life ...  
struggling to trust for some of the situations that arose over the last week I am once again amazed how God works..
have made some new friends through the ministry God gave me,( Hope for Life ) ..spending lots of time together we are connecting on a deeper level all the time.. enriching my life these new friends have been speaking truth to me these last few days..
a client that came for counselling shared with me how the day of the Anniversary of her abortion has had real significance in her life...
the same is true for me.. August 6, 1984 was the day of my abortion and this day has been difficult not only that year but again and again...
the last August 6 was another one of those.. the Wedding date of my Ex-husband, a very difficult day for my children and in some way for me as well...
was reminded of this when telling another one of my volunteers about what God did for me on August 6, 2011... how He had orchestrated the most personalized "Blessings Weekend", my own "Princess Party" for me, more than I could ever have imagined.. retelling the story opened my eyes again to one very amazing fact :
I can trust Him to mean well at all times, I can depend on Him and do not have to worry and be afraid how things will turn out... He proved it to me on that weekend.. there is no doubt.. He proved it to me again yesterday when talking about it reminded me of His love for me and His goodness..

this morning, after a VERY long and beautiful time with my Lord I received an email that had me dance around like a little kid... He is just so good... ALL the time.

I knew it before but am more aware of it again that we need to be in community with other believers. we need to tell about the wonderful things He has done for us... we need to share how He is at work, how He helps and how He comes through for us, and how He continually blesses us... just saying'

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 my soul sing..

spent some of the day downloading old songs off iTunes.. got me all sentimental... ELO, Chicago, Barclay James Harvest... Chris de Burgh... Phil Collins, Elton John..
music is just such a wonderful thing the Lord gave us..
had a very sweet friend tell me today I could come over and she would play her harp for me... how nice is that.. and that just because I commented on her status on Facebook where she was asking about any engagements and wedding plans as a result of today.. "that I wish.. but no... :( "
music.. I have thought many times the fact that God gave us music tells a lot about His heart... about how much He cares and who He really is..
without music life would be so empty .. less beautiful... there is something about music that makes our souls sing.. there are so many songs that never fail to touch the deepest places of my heart.. my innermost being resonates with music on such a deep level.. I don't know what I would do without it..
how kind of Him to enrich our lives this way..
was thinking the other day that I really need to get my violin out again..  and I need to sit down on my piano and play again.. when I was a child my piano was were I was able to move beyond whatever had upset me... a release... music ministering to my soul...
every Sunday I can lose myself in the wonderfully long Worship time we have.. offering my heart and my soul to the One who is worthy to be praised.. what a privilege..
lifting my hands in praise to Him, leaving my burdens at His feet and giving Him my all.. sometimes I wish I could stay there.. 
some very dear friends made a point today to tell me they love me and again I am touched by the kindness and thoughtfulness of my sisters in Christ.... 
they are...
Christ before me 
Christ above me 
Christ beneath me 
Christ beside 
Christ my vision 
Christ my wisdom 
Christ my comfort 
Christ my guide

so thankful for the community of believers He has placed me in.... I have done nothing to deserve their love and support... blessed beyond belief..... you know who you are... and I LOVE YOU TOO..
and not just today ;)


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A reminder... needed so much...Patience..

This is a post from almost 2 years ago.... just reading through some old ones and this is still so very applicable... I guess I am who I am... needed the reminder.. and serving Him I am... Thanks be to God!!!!
If you know me, you know that I am a passionate, 
(some negative and very mean :( people call me fanatic.. the nerve) enthusiastic person.... most of the time this kind of character trait comes with another , that is not quite that positive (if you think it is positive to  begin with).... the not so good thing that comes with passion is often times IMPATIENCE...

So, God, my beloved Daddy, has had his hands full with me in that way... many times in my life I have just jumped right into situations that seemed so right at the moment but then turned out disastrous......
After 16 years of having the Holy Spirit living in me I am happy to say that the patience that is part of His fruit has also grown "a little bit" in me......

 As I am so very excited now.... you got it, I am also really struggling with impatience...
So I thought, why not try and get some wisdom from "THE" source of wisdom... so I did a little word study of the word patience in the bible.

As all good scholars ;) do, I first looked patience up in the dictionary and the it goes:

Meaning: the capacity to endure what is difficult or disagreeable without complaining
Synonyms: forbearance, long-suffering, sufferance, tolerance
Related Words: acquiescence, resignation; passiveness, passivity; amenability, compliance, conformism, docility, obedience, subordination, tractability, willingness; discipline, self-control; submission, submissiveness
WOW....I knew it was a high calling...

Now, what does the bible have to say... interestingly enough patience, the noun is only found in the  bible 17 times, to be patient 27 times.... hmmmmm
 Does that maybe mean this is an action... something we need to choose to do, rather than wait for it to happen by itself... ( as an aside... to bad this site has no emoticons... I so would like to use some here and there)

I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. (Psalm 40:1)
But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. ( Romans 8:25)
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. ( Romans 12:12)
And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised. (Hebrews 6:15)

These are only four of the verses that contain the word patient... there is quite a bit though that speaks to me and let's me know what the Lord has for me, if I wait patiently....
He will hear my cry, we will receive what is promised... it tells me too when to be patient... in affliction, and when I am hoping for something I do not have....this verse in Romans 8 reminds me of another one that sounds almost the same: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)  isn't it interesting the connection that can be made here..
If we hope patiently for what we do not have, and we are being sure of what we are hoping for, that's faith... after waiting patiently, we will receive the even though we cannot see them now, through faith, which is a gift from God, we do not loose hope, actually, like Romans 12:12 says, we are joyful in this is amazing.
I love the has answers for all our questions.... that's another proof that our Father in Heaven loves us so much...He has given us His word, so that we can find all we need, wisdom, hope, joy and faith..

So, once again,   I have the capacity to endure what is difficult or disagreeable without complaining, I have the willingness to be obedient...because, as I wait patiently, my God gives me joy as I hope in what I do not have, knowing that He hears me and will give me what He has promised  and He even provides and grows the faith that I need to be able to hold on to this hope.... AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

As the Spirit testifies to my spirit I can joyfully and patiently serve Him while I am waiting.....

So I am, today... and for however long I need to..because I am sure of one thing most of all, my Father in Heaven is GOOD ALL THE TIME... I know it because I know Him...after all, He is right here holding me... Hallelujah!

Monday, February 13, 2012

.. His love is PRICELESS...


a "regular" Saint's Day of the Catholic Church until done away with by  Pope Paul VI in 1969.. only because nothing of the Saints was known other that one of them was martyred in 269 AD, another one was a bishop who is said to have been martyred under Emperor Aurelius, this was even earlier..
 Saint Valentine's Day had no romantic meaning until during High Medieval Time in France it became the day of the highly romantic and "love crazy" French, who picked it as the day to express their love through flowers and gifts...
today it is all about chocolate hearts, all in red or pink, tons of flowers and cards... I have to admit.. I liked getting my bouquet of roses and my chocolates.. but nevertheless... it is just another way for the candy and cards industry to make some good money... :)

thinking about love and what we all are longing for, I just had to look up some of those verses again, the ones that speak about the love God has for us...

His love is not only unfailing, never-ending, faithful, His unending  love is there for us every morning anew, it is not dependent on our "behaviour" or our usefulness, not even on our loyalty or gratitude... it is only dependent on the One who gives it so freely..
it is not just an emotion, as flimsy and beautiful yet fleeting as a snowflake, it is an expression of the character of God... He is LOVE... His love teaches us, picks us up, it holds us close and floods our heart with joy... we are restored by His love, we are sustained by His love, His love is a shelter, always there for us.. His love guides us and carries us.. no matter who we are... He chose to love us.. and He is not going to change His mind..
 it doesn't matter if we are smart, or brave, or timid and weak, if we are a girl or a boy.
if we are pretty or plain, exciting or dull... old or young.. we do not have to worry about losing His attention.. we do not have to try to catch His eye...
His eyes are always on us, His tender hands are holding us.. His ears are always inclined towards us..
We are his heart's desire.. the feast of abundance He has for us will never end.. the delight we can have if we only drink from His river is unending..
We are His VALENTINE..... 
 how do I know all this? He told me... He wrote it down in His love letter to me.. His Word..
He has proven Himself to be Faithful and True..

In him our hearts rejoice, 
   for we trust in his holy name. 
May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, 
   even as we put our hope in you.

Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, 
   your justice like the great deep. 
O LORD, you preserve both man and beast. 
  How priceless is your unfailing love! 
Both high and low among men 
   find refuge in the shadow of your wings. 
 They feast on the abundance of your house; 
   you give them drink from your river of delights.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

...fragile and trampled upon...

I started to cry when my father talked to me when I was 2 years old.. I was a fearful child.. I had not seen him around much and he for sure had not paid much attention to me... but, I think I was just especially fearful and sensitive...
I remember being anxious at night being afraid I hadn't prepared well enough for school .. I was so afraid of some of my teachers I often had stomach cramps I couldn't even sit up straight and I had to spend a lot of time on the couch in the apartment of the Janitor and his wife, who acted as the School nurse...
I was so afraid of my father, that even though I was scared to death of the big huge, in my eyes uncontrollable horses , I would go to my riding lessons... even though that meant more cramps and fear..
when I was 15 I rebelliously had a friend pierce my ears in school... after my father threatened to kick me out of the house I took them out.. and the story goes on...

I am 48 years old now and last week my father turned on the voice that scared me to death when I was a child, telling me he was not happy with my "behaviour"   (SERIOUSLY?????) when asked what he meant he told me it was "believing what my brother said"  ..... wow...

have been going through this book by Beth Moore in my Tuesday afternoon Bible Study .. it is called "So long, Insecurity, you have been a bad friend to us" having done a little more than half of it we are concluding that all of us, thanks to God ministering to our souls,  do not have to deal with a lot of those insecurities anymore...

this is true... I know that neither my father's lack of interest nor his abuse have anything to do with my value and worth... neither has the fact that my Ex husband has made me feel inadequate always and finally proved my fear that he didn't really love me to be legitimate by leaving me for someone else... my worth and value is found in Christ and Him alone.. I am a child of the Living God, He considered me worthy enough to lay His life down for me, to die a horrific death on the cross... He loves me, wants to know every detail of my life and is always there for me...

okay... then why, when it comes to men, do I still have this deep insecurity? 
I am drawing near to Him, I am seeking Him, I know Him so much more than ever before.. and yet.. the little 2 year old that was afraid of that man that most definitely didn't really care about her, is still in there... that scared little girl is still trying to find that man that will prove her fears to be wrong.... because he will love her for who she is... he will want to know everything about her and he will never leave her.... 

is it futile ? is it childish and unrealistic ? is it even maybe dangerous? 
not sure... maybe the little girl has to run to Jesus... might it be that the fearful little heart needs to find the security of the Father's embrace? ... don't know where this thought just came from but I have a hunch.... for sure the fragile, trampled upon little soul does not need condemnation or rebuke... not from herself or others... she feels really small and breakable.... she needs the compassion of the One who loves her... good thing He does not let her down.. ever...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

...licence to become a parent.....

thinking about "family"..  how God designed it..

starting with the married couple, man and wife... connected by unconditional love and respect, becoming one...
and then, the baby.. , making it a family...
the family, husband / father and wife / mother and the child or children...
by God's design intended to be a safe place to model God's love to the children and to bring them up in the knowledge of the Lord , guide them and nurture them so that they will be able to make an impact in this world for God.. and will know how a family is meant to function...

what a great plan... too bad that we humans just mess it up left, right and centre...
God has given us not only the design but also the guidelines of how to love well, nurture well, discipline well... He is our Father and He does not leave us out there without  instruction, love and the strength to do it..

having spent some very taxing time over the last few years trying to prevent my birth family to go up in flames, having had to live through my own family breaking apart, I am even more convinced that it needs a strong foundation, strength and wisdom from God to have a family that will live up to what it is intended to be....

dealing with the clients at Hope for Life so far, they all are living the nightmare of families that are not intact...  families where children have been abused and tossed out... women and girls that are so craving for the love of a man that they engage in dangerous activity and end up facing such life altering decisions as : will I keep the baby or have an abortion... without any support of the fathers...

children are a gift from the Lord, they have been given to us for safe keeping, they are not our possession... they belong to God... they are coming into the world not by their own choosing but by the choices the parents have made.. they deserve to be treated with respect and with love... they have a right to live...  they have a right to know how much they are loved by their Father in Heaven and this love needs to be portrayed by the earthly parents..

if I could, I would want to make it mandatory to go through in depth counselling, dealing with your own baggage and intense training in parenting before you could have a licence to "Become a Parent"...
SERIOUSLY... in the meantime I am going to continue to try to be a good daughter, a good mother, a good counsellor, and I will try to educate those that are becoming mothers and fathers by leading them to the One who has all the answers and all the help we need...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

... impossible WITHOUT God....

another client last night at Hope for Life.. just loving what God is doing, and how He cares so much about us.. the ones that don't know Him and us, the ones that know Him, love Him, want to serve Him and seeking His will for our lives..

I shouldn't be that flabbergasted about how He is at work.. but I am.. I am in awe...

read this story about the little baby that survived without amniotic fluid for almost 20 weeks , when the Drs were expecting him to die for sure..
instead of dying after a day his heartbeat became stronger and stronger and he was delivered healthy at 33 weeks, only his one leg was a little damaged because he had been lying on it all this time..

an Epic meeting this morning... humanly speaking there was no possibility for it to turn out the way it did.
humanly speaking, there was no solution, there was no willingness to compromise.. both sides, because of many old hurts and hardened hearts, because of pride and selfishness, were not really willing to meet half way.. and then.. as the meeting had to come to an end.... there it was, prayers sent up, 2 out of 3 children  trusting Him... there was a compromise ..

again, flabbergasted.. surprised.. in awe of Him, with whom all things are possible.. even when the main players independently and rebelliously are rejecting Him.. He still steps in and does the impossible..

I have come to understand how much He does so that we would know Him more, which leads to us loving and admiring and worshipping Him more..

what love is this.. that He would care enough to do what He did today.. it makes me think of this scripture:
If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!... wow, really, after He already gave the biggest gift, His son as a sacrifice for our sins, he continues to give and give and give...
Praising Him today and always...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

..Marriage Seminars and Superbowl Parties..

this is a day that will go down in history... it is the day that I will....*drum roll* ..... will go to my first.... *another drumroll*..... Superbowl Party.... yes, it is true, it is also, I think my youngest daughter's first Superbowl party.. then again, she is only 15.... :)
have been inspired by this whole "let's branch out and try new things" spirit I have adapted 2 years ago...

this morning in church I was hit by a wave of sadness,  I guess it happens to all of us...
an announcement of the upcoming marriage seminar made me think of the last one that was run in my church... went there with my then "still husband" and it was a nightmare.. a nightmare because it was like an X-ray showing me just how hopeless and bad my marriage was... no help for us.. funny that it turned out to be that way very soon afterwards... what I didn't know then was that my husband had given his heart to someone else already...  no wonder there was no hope.. duh...

during worship time a beautiful song was sung.. a song that was on the Lullaby CD I had been given for my youngest, now 15 year old daughter.. remember playing that for her and the hopes I had then... hopes  for that child to grow up in a solid Christian home, in a family that would stay intact no matter the conflicts..

so I guess no wonder I was a little subdued and with other stuff distracting me I had some difficulty entering into Worship the way I would usually do... the sermon was great as always.. good thing we are paying our pastor "the big bucks" like he calls it, so that he can make the connection between the food offered to idols then to what we are facing today.. it's what the Lord uses him for :)

hanging around and talking to some of my sisters in Christ afterwards another amazing connection for Hope for Life was brought to my attention and I am once again in awe.. no matter how grey and dull my reality sometimes can be, He is always at work, and.. no matter what others do or not do.. He is always committed to me and His provision not just for me personally but for the girls in  Halton Hills is not only sufficient... it is overwhelmingly generous.. Praise be to Him..