insight and wisdom gained, grace extended, "nest" protected... sickness and fatigue, exhilaration and excitement..
what a roller coaster, and, on so many levels..
I am sure that could be said about any given week in anybody's life ...
struggling to trust for some of the situations that arose over the last week I am once again amazed how God works..
have made some new friends through the ministry God gave me,( Hope for Life ) ..spending lots of time together we are connecting on a deeper level all the time.. enriching my life these new friends have been speaking truth to me these last few days..

the same is true for me.. August 6, 1984 was the day of my abortion and this day has been difficult not only that year but again and again...
the last August 6 was another one of those.. the Wedding date of my Ex-husband, a very difficult day for my children and in some way for me as well...
was reminded of this when telling another one of my volunteers about what God did for me on August 6, 2011... how He had orchestrated the most personalized "Blessings Weekend", my own "Princess Party" for me, more than I could ever have imagined.. retelling the story opened my eyes again to one very amazing fact :
I can trust Him to mean well at all times, I can depend on Him and do not have to worry and be afraid how things will turn out... He proved it to me on that weekend.. there is no doubt.. He proved it to me again yesterday when talking about it reminded me of His love for me and His goodness..
this morning, after a VERY long and beautiful time with my Lord I received an email that had me dance around like a little kid... He is just so good... ALL the time.
I knew it before but am more aware of it again that we need to be in community with other believers. we need to tell about the wonderful things He has done for us... we need to share how He is at work, how He helps and how He comes through for us, and how He continually blesses us... just saying'
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