Wednesday, December 28, 2011

.... reconciliation...

the birth of Christ... God in His sovereignty sent His Son in the fulness of time to come and live a sinless life on earth.... what happened on the cross was the purpose of Christ's life ... redeeming, paying the price for His people, paying for the sins of all those who would believe, predestined by the Father, saved for a purpose.... His purpose was to reconcile us to the Father ... pardoned, forgiven by what He did..

Reconciliation... this is what our faith is all about...

this is what the dictionary says:..the reestablishing of cordial relations
the act of reconciling parties at variance; renewal of friendship after disagreement or enmity.

as Christians we cannot not forgive... no matter what has been done to us.. we cannot thankfully accept Christ's forgiveness and not extend it to others... if we really understood that we needed to be forgiven and this is not just knowledge stored away in our brains but felt in our hearts... how can we keep it from those that sinned against us... not easy to live this way... yesterday it was something I had to do... again... another very deep cut... inflicted by one that just shouldn't do that... but... no matter the circumstances, if I want to be a representative of my Lord, if I want to be sure I am truly saved I have to forgive... and take a step to reconcile.. no matter if the one that hurt me doesn't even think she need forgiveness.....

reconciliation brings peace and restores relationships... wisdom, given by God, also advices to establish boundaries and sometimes it is not wise to reconcile... other times though, like in this relationship the hope that Christ will use this to break through calloused hearts makes reconciliation essential...

peace, even if it is only on a superficial level has been restored by the strength and the grace God has given me... reflecting on this I am once again in awe and filled with an inexpressible joy... He is all and more He ever promised to be.... that makes Him very unique and worthy to be praised... :)


  1. ¡Gloria a Dios! Soy Seguidora de tu blog pero no tengo tiempo para nada, porque ahora tengo 3 blogs: uno de artesanías,uno de cocina y otro es cristiano. Voy a solucionar ese problema para visitarte más veces. Que Dios te bendiga mucho, te guarde y te siga dando sabiduría. ¡ Feliz 2012 !!! Un abrazo.

  2. Muchas gracias ... Que Dios bendiga a ti también ...xoxo
