spent 6 hours total driving, having great fun speeding on Canadian and "All" ( for you James ) American highways... spending time with great friends ... so blessings all around...
brought to tears a few times during the concert... touched once again by the love my Jesus has for me.. made aware of my desperate dependence on Him, who alone can meet my needs..
I love Him with a passion that makes me jump out of my seat, annoying people behind me, worshipping Him , my hands lifted high, with every ounce of everything I am... spending myself, pouring myself out in desperation... because there is NO OTHER WAY...
tonight I am going to give testimony of just how AMAZING He is... how He has brought me where I am today, how He is using the trials and the refining to bring glory to His name.. may all I say today and forever be SOLI DEO GLORIA... for His glory ALONE...
.... wired and tired and emotionally charged to bursting I am so thankful for the way He minsters to me and all the 2000 other fans that where there yesterday... using willing vessels to draw us close to Him...
that's what life is all about.. closeness and relationship with the One and Only, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.. Praise Him oh my soul....
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