for many years now have I been feeling physical pain in my right wrist when my heart has been hurt... a shooting pain all the way down my arm and into my wrist... felt that every time my feelings got hurt when I was married... today I felt this a few times, makes me want to crawl into my bed and never come out...
living in this world of brokenness, I saw more evidence today of just how incapable mankind is to consider the feelings of others and relate in a healthy way.. I have seen what disease, another consequence of the fall does to people and how it leads to even more dysfunction in relationships... why are we continually hurting one another? sometimes, like today, it is quite discouraging to see just how bad it is...
tomorrow morning, my Steering Committee for the new Pregnancy Center is going to meet for the first time and I am not surprised that today has been a rather difficult day for me.
as we are going to get prepared to open a "front line ministry" there is someone out there that is going to do all he can to trip us up, discourage us and take our focus of the work that the Lord has called us to do... the good news is that He who is in me, is bigger than he who is in the world, He who is in me has won the victory and with Him all things are possible..
so rather than allowing the discouragement to make me hide in my bed, in His strength I am going to be at work making this world a better place one woman that will come through our doors at a time... By God's grace we will get to share the Good News with her and support her through teaching her relational and parenting skills... rather than surrender to the hopelessness, pain and brokenness of our world we will be courageous and face the challenge... only through Him will we be able to do that... it will take a daily decision to stand firm on what we know is true... depend desperately on the One who alone is able... makes me think of an old fav song :
He is able more than able
To accomplish what concerns me today
He is able more than able
To handle anything that comes my way
He is able more than able
To do much more than I could ever dream
He is able more than able
To make me what He wants me to be
so tomorrow we will meet and work through our agenda... because He is more than able... love Him for that!!!!
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