...Every time after a total melt down as a response to my cries for help to my Father in heaven, Bekkie and I have had heartfelt communication... thank you Lord for this
....we had a nice and special family (our new / female only family) dinner last night...thank you Lord..
...Bekkie could go and find some refuge with a trusted friend and family...thank you Lord
... we can afford the dentist filling her cavity last night..thank you Lord for Maik being responsible and taking care of the financial needs
... we have a house to live in... You are a good God...Thank you Lord...
... food to eat...You promised you would provide and you are a Promise Keeper, Thank you Lord
... friends who love us...you bless us and you have your people be Christ to us...
... ministry to touch other people's lives..you promised there was a purpose and that You would use us... Thank you Lord...

....You gave me another song that speaks exactly to my situation, and ministers to my heart... Thank you my Father, I love and appreciate your attention to detail...
...my light and momentary troubles are achieving an eternal glory that far outweighs them all... Thank you Lord, you are faithful
... you saved me by sacrificing your Son, making Him the payment for my sin.... I can never thank you enough for the undeserved gift of salvation through Jesus, the lover of my soul...
.... you are my Lord, my Maker and my Husband...
... you will never leave me or forsake me or my children... Hallelujah....
My heart is full of gratitude.... which leads to joy.... not depending on my circumstances but on WHO You are... I LOVE YOU and PRAISE YOU, now and forever more...
.. As we are walking through a valley of hardship and stress, we fear no evil, your rod and staff they comfort us... you are leading us to quiet waters and you are making sure of one thing... that we will dwell in the house of the Lord every day of our lives...
Because one day in your courts is better than thousands elsewhere..
LOVE YOU, Daddy.....
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